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Only emu I ever heard of my neighbor shot in his driveway and ate it thinking it was an Ostrich. Emu was the most likely explanation but didn't make the story as good if that was included, always got to be some smart guy ruining the best stories.

B) LOL One I'll never forget was on Tavern creek, there was "something" across stream and down aways that from where I was standing looked like a human head, but there was a deep hole between me and "it" so I couldn't cross. I kept looking over there as I worked my way down to a point straight across from it and the closer I got the more it looked like what I was afraid it was. To make a long story short it turned out to be a dead possum in a trap, but I'll never forget that sick feeling I had up until I figured out what it was for sure. Major adreneline rush!

Back when I was a teenager (17) I was squirrel hunting in a woodlot behind an old school house site way out in the sticks in Audrain county and I came across a note tied to a tree along a half-butt trail, handwritten in pencil, it said "He is Coming". A little further down the trail another note.... "Are you ready?". I'm looking around and kinda starting to freak out because it was late in the evening, I was alone, armed only with a Ruger 10/22, and a long way from my truck. As I'm scanning the visable area in total defense mode I see what looks like a dollar bill up the trail ahead of me, I get a little closer and I see it is a 20 !

I was like "oh hell no, this is a friggin' trap noway am I walking over to snatch that 20", and I double-timed it back to the truck, squirreless, and GTH outa there.

The next day after school I took a buddy and my girlfriend with me to go see WTF was the deal, we armed ourselves to the teeth (12 guages loaded with 3" #4B goose loads, handguns, and binoculars) and headed straight for where the Twenty dollar bill was. When we got within sight of it we started studying the ground and the surrounding trees with binoculars looking for some kind of trap or something, visions of some PTSD Nam vet materializing out of a tree trunk with a machette had my heart pumping like crazy and my girlfriend was about to piss herself. My buddy rigged a stick, creeped over and knocked the 20.00 bill off the branch while I "stood guard" ready to open a hole in center of mass, of anything that moved.

He raked the 20 over to him, picked it up and saw that it was made on a copier and spray painted green (colored copiers were unheard of then), the back of it said... "Repent your sins, prepare for Jesus", and was ink stamped with the address of a little country church down the road a few miles. Later we learned that the preacher liked to "take walks". I was a pretty level headed teenager but for some reason that pissed me off. The thought of that old fart prowling around the woods randomly planting little notes to try and fill the seats of his church just seemed totally insane to us. So we went to his sermon the following Sunday (which actually was pretty good) and when they passed the plate I fed it the phoney 20, but then my girlfriend snatched it back out of there. On the way out of the church everyone looked at my girlfriend like she was a freakin' leper cuz they thought she took money out of the plate :lol::lol::lol:

I'm going to hell for that... I just know it :(


I don't appreciate the "Disappointed? You wouldn't be if you knew Jesus.." Fake twenties, either.. Ive a funny feeling that even someone who knows Jesus on an intimate level would still be a bit disappointed to find they've been duped.. lol

But the "he's coming..." and "Are you ready?" signs were a dead give-away that there was religious mischief afoot... lol


  • Root Admin

B) LOL One I'll never forget was on Tavern creek, there was "something" across stream and down aways that from where I was standing looked like a human head, but there was a deep hole between me and "it" so I couldn't cross. I kept looking over there as I worked my way down to a point straight across from it and the closer I got the more it looked like what I was afraid it was. To make a long story short it turned out to be a dead possum in a trap, but I'll never forget that sick feeling I had up until I figured out what it was for sure. Major adreneline rush!

Back when I was a teenager (17) I was squirrel hunting in a woodlot behind an old school house site way out in the sticks in Audrain county and I came across a note tied to a tree along a half-ass trail, handwritten in pencil, it said "He is Coming". A little further down the trail another note.... "Are you ready?". I'm looking around and kinda starting to freak out because it was late in the evening, I was alone, armed only with a Ruger 10/22, and a long way from my truck. As I'm scanning the visable area in total defense mode I see what looks like a dollar bill up the trail ahead of me, I get a little closer and I see it is a 20 !

I was like "oh hell no, this is a friggin' trap noway am I walking over to snatch that 20", and I double-timed it back to the truck, squirreless, and GTH outa there.

The next day after school I took a buddy and my girlfriend with me to go see WTF was the deal, we armed ourselves to the teeth (12 guages loaded with 3" #4B goose loads, handguns, and binoculars) and headed straight for where the Twenty dollar bill was. When we got within sight of it we started studying the ground and the surrounding trees with binoculars looking for some kind of trap or something, visions of some PTSD Nam vet materializing out of a tree trunk with a machette had my heart pumping like crazy and my girlfriend was about to piss herself. My buddy rigged a stick, creeped over and knocked the 20.00 bill off the branch while I "stood guard" ready to open a hole in center of mass, of anything that moved.

He raked the 20 over to him, picked it up and saw that it was made on a copier and spray painted green (colored copiers were unheard of then), the back of it said... "Repent your sins, prepare for Jesus", and was ink stamped with the address of a little country church down the road a few miles. Later we learned that the preacher liked to "take walks". I was a pretty level headed teenager but for some reason that pissed me off. The thought of that old fart prowling around the woods randomly planting little notes to try and fill the seats of his church just seemed totally insane to us. So we went to his sermon the following Sunday (which actually was pretty good) and when they passed the plate I fed it the phoney 20, but then my girlfriend snatched it back out of there. On the way out of the church everyone looked at my girlfriend like she was a freakin' leper cuz they thought she took money out of the plate :lol::lol::lol:

I'm going to hell for that... I just know it :(

Hilarious! You don't go to hell for telling stories like that. Even Jesus loves a good story.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Hilarious! You don't go to hell for telling stories like that. Even Jesus loves a good story.

Sounds like it wasn't very hilarious at the time...


But the "he's coming..." and "Are you ready?" signs were a dead give-away that there was religious mischief afoot... lol

Not to a 17 y/o fishinwrench it wasn't. Freddie Kruger type movies were a new thing at that time, and there were all kinds of stories and urban legends going around... I thought there was a for real freak in the woods.... a rich one ! :lol:

Our real motive was to conquer the madman and snarf up all the loot that might be in the woods :D

Talk about how times have changed.... We divised the mission the night before, so my truck sat unlocked in the school parking lot with two shotguns in the rear window, boxes of buckshot in the seat, and a revolver in the glove box...and nobody thought anything of it. If some 17 y/o boys did that NOW there would be a statewide school lockdown and SWAT teams in the hallways.

  • Members

Great story...loved it......sounds like something from the movie Stand By Me.....

If you liked this story and you want some interesting reading on a winter night check out this link. Someone out West started a post on "Whats the weirdest thing you ever found in the woods ?" Tons of really interesting posts.


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