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You know, it is kind of like farming or any other business where you depend on equipment. It breaks. For us when it breaks it is lost income and lost opportunity, you hate it, but it is what it is.

Other things agervate me worse. Had a guy call yesterday and ask what it cost to take his two sons fishing for the afternoon. He said there would be 3 of them, himself a five and a ten year old. I Said I would take them for the $250.00 half day rate and take the 5 yr. old for free.

There was a pause and then he said. "How can you sleep at night, trying to steal from people like that?" " I didn't want to buy your boat, I just wanted you to take us fishing for 1/2 a day." "You came highly recommended, but I can get a "Fishin Guide" anywhere in this country for 75 Bucks."

He slammed down the reciever. Those are the kinds of things that get to me, not so much the broken mechanicals.

Call him back and tell him I will take him if he will pay my truck fuel down and back + boat gas and oil. And to get his own tackle for him and his sons. Bet that $250 would look good compared to my free trip as it were .

Dennis Boothe

Joplin Mo.

For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing

in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

~ Winston Churchill ~


As the therapist on that Geico commercial would say....."what a jack wagon" The rates for you guides are VERY resonable.....I cant even imagine what kind of boat I would be getting into if the guy only charged me $75.....would I have to paddle it myslef?

Happy New Year to all!


A Cornhusker


No fishing line. That unit only has 10 hrs. on it since it was bolted on. Still has the bar code sticker on it. Plugs were tight and sealed with the o-rings intact.

When Phil and I came in from fishing last week, I thought I smelled some burnt oil smell, but nothing on the water, so with the holidays I kind of forgot about it.

When I checked it after the freeze up the oil was grey and smelled burned and it had the water in the case. Ulrich is closed till January 3rd. so I just have to wait. If I get another trip on taney, I will use one of Phil's boats.

After they bolted on the new lower unit, they said to run it 5 hr.s and bring it back over for a oil change. I did that and they said it was good to go for a year. Guess not.

Bill, they have a double Shaft gasket set for the Mercury lower units. I suspect you are getting water in through the shaft seal. You may want to see about the double seal kit and new seals everywhere.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!


Can you get his number because I have never seen a Guide anywhere that was $75.00. I would like his list of them. I guided two guys once on the Fox River wading once and got $100.00 and that was about 10 years ago.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!


Bill would you really want a client like that though....


$75, wow! He probably provides the fishermen with brand new Zebco rods and reels to!!! Bring back bad memories Bill?

Real men go propless!


$75....I laughed right out loud at that one. Thanks Bill!

Heck, even a Big Mac, fries, & Coke are about $10 bucks these days.

Rich Looten

Springfield, Missouri

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads,

you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach

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