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I also posted this in the BS forum - sorry for the double post but figured I'd try to make sure it was in front of the right folks. I'd like to understand what BS and Norfork are going to do over the next two weeks. Seems to me that BS is the big holding tank for all this water. With the MR flooded, and TR and Tanny jamming water to BS, what does the Corps do? It looks like they're steadily running one unit today with a little bump later, and two units tomorrow. Not much generation. Will they keep holding water in BS until the MR is out of the streets of Memphis and Tunica? We had a plan to do a buddy's bachelor party in Tunica, but it's being evacuated, casinos are being ordered to close, and the golf courses confirmed to me on the phone that they would be under water soon. Plan B is to head to the Norfork/White confluence, but if there are flood gates open or 8 units running, that seems less than desirable. I was thinking the flooded MR might mean low generation next weekend. Any thoughts?

  • Root Admin

They'll hold BS as long as they can and then they'll have to let it go. You can look at the BS chart and rate the rise and probably get pretty close as to when it will fill up, taking in account that the inflow will decrease some next week.

Enjoy the low water while you can!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Yep, the Miss River flooding can compound this situation.

There was a little town outside Batesville that was flooded out in 2008.

This means high water for the rest of the year.

Thats sad about Tunica,

I grew up fishing Tunica Cutoff (an oxbow lake off the MR)

I was fishing there before all the casinos.

There will be cottonmouths hanging out of every bush, seriously.

Nothing like hearing the plop of a snake in the boat. :we-all-gonna-die:


The corp looks at the long term and I believe it's predicted to be a dry year. If the long term forecast holds they won't dump any out of BS, just extra for the grid.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Bull Shoals is at 686.02 as I write this and it is raining heavily. We have had 1.15 inches of rain so far and the run-off is heavy. The corps will probably open the flood gates by next weekend although in 2008 that made for some fantastic fishing.The walleyes are starting to bite on the lake so that and the smallies make it okay with me. Make sure your moter is tuned up and wear lifejackets at all times and go catchin Hotdawg!


Bull Shoals is at 686.02 as I write this and it is raining heavily. We have had 1.15 inches of rain so far and the run-off is heavy. The corps will probably open the flood gates by next weekend although in 2008 that made for some fantastic fishing.The walleyes are starting to bite on the lake so that and the smallies make it okay with me. Make sure your moter is tuned up and wear lifejackets at all times and go catchin Hotdawg!

The fishing might be great if ya got a boat or money to hire one, but wade fishing is gonna suck for quite a while now.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.


forget the confluence. Norfork has flood gates open

Its going to get worse for the people that live at the confluence.

The Delta region is almost totally underwater,

if the levee breaks, it will make the Katrina flood into New Orleans look small in comparison.

I have a lot of friends and family in the Delta who are praying right now.

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