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  • Root Admin

Wanted to start this while I have time to type. Spent most of the day up below the dam- till 1 pm I was up watching and talking to the guys placing the rocks. Filmed and took lots of pic. Later I was down at Big Hole waiting for the water to run... my boat was 40 feet from water from the drawdown.

They placed sets of 3 rocks in a triangle from the top of the island across from #2 outlet down about 80 yards. Didn't count but I'd say 15 sets. They placed sets upstream from there between #1 and #2 on the hatchery side out to almost the middle of the lake yesterday too. Also, after I left, they went through outlet #2 and placed sets along the hatchery side bank and out close to the current line from outlet #2.

I got pics and video but don't have time right now to upload them. Later tonight.

They are going to finish there tomorrow and then move down to rocking chair. They have alot of rocks down there to place. Should be interesting when it's all done.

You know what I said about not putting rocks where boats will hit them... for get I said that... You'll need to know where they are or you will hit them with 2 units or less.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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This is really actually happening... we have needed something / anything like this for so long.

Shock and awe...


Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.


Maybe I am just over-thinking this but it seems like spreading the clusters up so much and only putting 3 in one place won't have a significant effect on the trout population. Had they put a large amount of them in one place, it could have created some current breaks, deep water, etc. This method won't do that. Also, I feel anglers are now going to target these clusters meaning any fish around them aren't going to have as good of chance at growing big.

"Of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy."

"There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot."


Man I wished they had the funds to do some of that on the smaller streams. I know Blue Springs Creek has some sections that could use some help like that. Well a wish in one hand and s*&( in the other...


  • Root Admin

You should lobby TU - local guys. They're always looking for ways to spend their money.

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  • Root Admin

Branson Chapter has some funds.

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  • Root Admin

I got to be honest here and I think they guys who are in charge of this project would agree.

They hauled in too many rocks to be placed in the lake.

They're having to find places to put all these rocks - putting them in places where they hadn't planned.

They move a few clusters this morning because they were too far out in the middle of the lake channel.

There's going to be rocks all over the place up there and tomorrow they'll start on rocking chair area.

I talked to Mike (MDC) this morning and also Darrell who was standing with us and I told Mike that Darrell should be done there tomorrow to show them where there would be good places to put rocks. He and the other drift boat guides know that area down there much better than I.

We talked about the long riffle that crosses the lake above KOA that's now super shallow and holds no fish at all. You'll see some rock down there.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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