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Can anyone explain why the corps wants to hold truman a foot and change above normal pool??? They didn't learn a thing last year i guess. They run a trickle for 3 hours a day. during the week nothing on the weekend. I guess they are always ready for a dry apring once in 20 years. So another high water year messing up all the spawns.

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They're doing the same with the lakes down here. All lakes in our chain are higher than 2011 right now.

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Yep they do it every year let the lake come up until the crappie hit the banks to spawn then drop it a foot a day. Can't tell me that is not unplanned.


I think they are allowing loz to get to winter pool. For the past week, ameron has been dropping the bottom out of our lake. almost 5 foot down from 2 weeks prior.


Yep forgot about that got to get LOZ back up to normal for Memorial Day weekend for all the high rollers.


You know though all of january theu had the chance to get these lakes down. if you go and look they have been running water thru bagnell for a while then shut it off. but on truman only runninr for 3 hours and then shutting it off. Can't do anything about it just sad for the fish which i jnow they care nothing about. I guess they know more about mother nature than we do. funny how they keep truman feet low during the summer. Amd then before the spring rains they keep it foot above pool. nice work dont care about the fish or marina owners.


My point California wildlife and parks filed a lawsuit today against the corps maybe someday they will learn. Back when we had The Truman guide assn. When we would go talk to the corps in Kamsas City the first thing out of their mouth was this lake was built for flood control. But wouldnt common sense tell you to get the lake several feet below fool pool before the spring rains come. All the charts and graphs in the world with no common sense will tell you we get the majority of rain in the spring.


Truman lake has many purposes. First and foremost is flood control, secondary is hydropower all else falls well below those. SWPA has control over a certain elevation to determine when they generate and when they don't based upon needs. I've Truman go extremely high and water levels dropping during the spawn, but never really noticed any bad hatches on teh crappie spawn. They also do coordinate with MDC to release water during the nomal walleye runs. Do you REALLY want it operated strictly for flood control, if so then it would be nearly dry all winter so that spring rains can fill it up, then released until nearly dry again. All the COE lakes are operated with multiple uses but the number one will always be flood control. What really messed things up last year was the super high MO and MS rivers due to in large part to a massive snow pack melt out west that limited the outflow from most lakes and a couple of large rain events and the system got overwhemed. As for the levee's and repairs talk to congress who provides the money and gave the order to build them to begin with. There a lot of things that go into deciding if and how much water can be released or generated with. System doesn't always work but most times it does. The Corps of Engineers does plenty of things that make you scratch your heads but a lot of it comes from much higher up the food chain than the local offices.


No i don't want truman drained in the winter but don't know why they have to hold it 1 1/4 feet high right now what would be wrong with holding at 704 only 2 feet below normal while the mo and ms rivers could handle the water. It would omly take a few days to get that level with no inflow. last year was not that bad on truman almost all year they kept it at 704 1/2. Iwould just like to see yhe corps exercise some common sense. And take into consideration all of the lives that they affect. I know that there paychecks come every week regardless of other people or actions they take.

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