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Becky had a full house at the Lodge and I couldn't get away till 10 AM. Barometer at 30.12 and not a cloud in the sky makes it very tricky to say the least.


Launched at Eagle Rock at 10:30 and had plenty of help on the lake with lots of Power Pole Boats. Don't believe they are from here, Ha!


Threw the A-Rig till I melted off my arm, for at least 2 hrs. and nothing. Water temps at the ramp at 47.4 when I started.


At 12:30 I put the darn thing down and picked up the jerkbait and on the first cast had a very nice 3 pound LM. Went back over the same locations I had thrown the Lure Hanger and caught 13 more on the Jerkbait and 1 very nice 4.5 LM on a Jig, after I had missed it on the jerker.


Guess the A-Rig does not rule all. Beck reported the same in the Kimberling City area on the stickbait this morn. Most all wanting the slower presentation.


When I pulled out at 3PM the surface temps had risen to 49.8. With warm temps scheduled for next week and if we get the purssure in control and have some overcast days, it will get real silly out there.post-70-0-71364900-1330296869_thumb.jpg






Those are Diachi Death traps with lead wire tied in. I use my fly tying vice to tie them in with black nylon thread. I have over 10 different sizes to choose from. I can take a hook on and off in 15 seconds and replace it with a heaver or lighter or sharper one.

I know that is pretty Anal, but that way the weight really blends in. It is not got shiney dots on it or loose wire wrapped around a hook, it looks as clean as a pen.

On the A-Rig im using gamey 1/8th. oz jig heads with a 2 or 3 O.

Other pic's are just some of the types of locations I am fishing.

Good Luck


Tough day yesterday as well. Fished Baxter area from 2:30-6:00pm. Caught two non keepers. One on a jig and an a-rig. Threw

the stickbait and wart didn't get a bite. Oh well, get after them another day.


I agree with you 100% Powerdrive. Bill Babler is the BEST. I look farward to his post almost every day. You can learn so much about fishing the Rock just from reading Bill Babler on this great forum. He is willing to share so much information, I can't say enough about him. You just don't find guys like him everywhere. Don't get me wrong, there are other guys on this forum that offer some great bass fishing info, we shouldn't overlook them, they know who they are. I fished with BB once, had a great day. What a learning experience. I gotta do it again, soon. Sorry, I didn't mean to turn this into a Bill Babler praise post. Powerdrive started it.



Bill, what length rod and what kind of line and # are you using when throwing your stickers?

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