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Quick fishing report for Lake Taneycomo. Today we boated up to Lookout about 1:30. No generation, wind blowing down lake from the SW at about 5-10 mph which created a perfect chop on the surface on the water. Temperature 49 degrees.

We tied on zebra midges and set our palsa indicators at 4 feet deep. I used p&p (Pearl & Primrose) #16 and Steve Brigman, my fishing buddy today, used a black #16, both of us were using 6x fluorocarbon as tippet.

We started in front of Andy’s house on the shallow side. There seemed to be a lot of trout on the bank. There were. Nothing big but fun.

We moved to the bluff bank. There were tons of rainbows working the bottom along the drop- not on the shore ledge but where the bank dropped off into the channel. We caught rainbow after rainbow non stop till about 4 pm when they turned the water on. Some of these rainbows were really strong, thick fish, unlike the trout we were seeing a month ago. And the numbers have exploded.

We boated to the cable and caught a few rainbows on jigs but nothing to brag about. They were hitting short so we missed a lot of strikes. We were in search of a picture fish but had to settle for a 14 inch rainbow I caught down in the Big Hole area. Steve had a hold of a nice brown close to the cable on a shad rap.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


It was a great day to be out fishing after the rains yesterday. A buddy of mine and I wade fished the upper end from 1 p.m to 4:30 p.m. and did very well. We started between outlets 2 and 3 picking up fish within the first couple of casts on white chamois worms with 7x tippet. Just sight fished them with no indicator and the smallest split shot you could get on the tippet. From there, I headed to the back side of the island and fished the dead stagnant water behind it. Picked up 6 bows in there, then we went to the flats between outlet 1 and 2. The water was a little too deep and choppy to sight fish there, so we put indicators on and it was non stop fish on till the water came on. We caught several more as the water rose and pushed us to the bank. After the water came all the way up, fishing spots were harder to find and we called it quits. We never changed flies the whole time.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Good report guys, I am going to try and make it this week if the water stays down for a few hours. Where are the big fish? They should be there.


We saw some decent ones in the flats between one and two and the rebar hole and new "tree hole" hold some good fish too. Water supposed to be off tonight.....come on down....I will be out there!

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



We saw some decent ones in the flats between one and two and the rebar hole and new "tree hole" hold some good fish too. Water supposed to be off tonight.....come on down....I will be out there!

Can't make it tonight, thanks for the invite. I would surely like to be there if possible. Good luck and don't give a report if you get into some good ones.


From there, I headed to the back side of the island and fished the dead stagnant water behind it. Picked up 6 bows in there, then we went to the flats between outlet 1 and 2.

How did you fish the stagnet water?


Flipped the chamois worm in and let is sink to the bottom. Let is sit for a second or two, then two small tugs, just enough to get it to tumble across the bottom an inch or two. Fish would come right over and pick it up.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners


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