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Omtt 3/2/13

Fishin Hodge

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I had found fish on channel swing banks from K-city to aunts creek throwing a stick bait. Friday pre fishing I had 15-16lbs by 8am (that was one fish per spot just to check on them and then I left). I did not pressure them. Catching them on French pearl early in the Am then switching to pro blue color as it got later in the day. Of course Saturday rolled around and my bite disappeared only two keepers and a couple nice ones that got off! Didn't adapt like I should have after my fish shut off. Oh well had a great time, wish I could redo my day though! Tablerock 1/ Ryan 0!

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I am by no means an A-rig expert but the way you fish that bait allows you to do a couple of important things. One it allows you to target those big pre-spawn bass at any depth in the water column. And two you can still fish it effectively in gale force wind and inclimate weather by literally throwing it out there and slow rolling it back in. It's a big heavy bait that you can effectively present to fish in a multitude of ways and conditions. Pair that with guys that really know how to fish and bingo=big sacks. Plus Tablerock has really been cranking out some big fish the last several years. I fished Saturday and yes I got my butt kicked by the rig! (And better fisherman). :-)

Excellent observation and right square on the money.

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I had found fish on channel swing banks from K-city to aunts creek throwing a stick bait. Friday pre fishing I had 15-16lbs by 8am (that was one fish per spot just to check on them and then I left). I did not pressure them. Catching them on French pearl early in the Am then switching to pro blue color as it got later in the day. Of course Saturday rolled around and my bite disappeared only two keepers and a couple nice ones that got off! Didn't adapt like I should have after my fish shut off. Oh well had a great time, wish I could redo my day though! Tablerock 1/ Ryan 0!

May not have made a hoot of difference, but I will tell you this. Never-Never-Never check on your fish on Table Rock. The locations will replenish, but to hook even one a day or two before the derby is one less when you need it. Put bent hooks on your stickbaits and check for bites if you want, but don't put a hook in them. Hardly anyone even the guys with the big bags are catching many fish. Just the right ones. a dozen bites for a team aday is about where its at right now.

This time of the year, you never have to check for size. You just want bites on Channel Swings there are Big Bites. If you have an idea and you won't throw the A-Rig, after you fish it with the stickbait go right back a swim a grub. That is usually how the Fann Boys catch them. Guy in the front swimming the grub and the guy in the back on a stickbait. Da-Da-Da-Da, Now the A-Rig. :have-a-nice-day:

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At times there will be multiple there, but on Table Rock? Never Stacked unless we are talking about Summer Time K's. When was the last time any of us pulled onto a transition or a bluffend or a spawing cove mouth this time of the year and limited on LM in a 100 yrd. stretch. I did it about a week ago and cannot remember the last time other than that.

You really hope for a couple per location. As I stated no one is catching lots of fish. This is a good time of the year to create a Milk Run. As the water warms during the day other buddies can join the fish that are already on these locations. Fish for sure are not everywhere either. If you have caught fish there in practice and you pull up in a derby and don't get bit, do not assume they are gone. Come back later and check it again. Also during your practice if you have caught fish on a spot rememberr the time and try to be on location at that same time.

Ryan found where they were, and I will bet they are still there. Good Job. Timing and presentation are the key to them biting. This bite right now is for sure very early as he said he had a nice limit before 8:30. From then till 11 it flat goes dead. After 11 its on the move again, so its easy to get frustrated if you don't get that early bite. Then if your in a derby you simply "Go Crazy." "You start fishing like Old People have sex." "Poorly."

I spoke to a guy that followed Mike McClelland in the Classic. He had also watched him practice. Mike is one of the best fisherman in the World and has won well over a Million dollars. He is a stud with a rod and reel. This guy said Mike was fishing at least twice as fast the first day of the Classic as he was in practice, and he was not catching them early. Here is the difference. MIke, instead of changing locations and running around like a mad man took a deep breath and squared his head on straight and Slowded down. First thing he said on the Classic Stage when he weighed in was. "I fished way to fast today, and I know it."

Kind of takes away our sins when a guy like this cannot help screwing up a bit.

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Things like what happened to Mike are why I'm fishing derbies. For me, the competition makes me examine everything I do that much more. It is making me a better fisherman. I'm getting better at decision making and at time management on the water. Yes, I'm fishing against the fish and not against the other boats, but for me, when I've got an entry fee on the line, I work harder at it.

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Don't know if you all remember a blog on the Classic Trackker that was talking about KVD. He was making a Milk Run and timing his locations I think he had 4 locations. He was fishing each exactly 30 minutes in a rotation. This time of the year that is a great stradagy. As the water warms throughout the day and the fish rise in the water column or move toward the bank or for that matter just turn on and off you have got an excellent chance doing this. Mostly hitting time and location.

The other day when I fished those Bluffends up at Baxter and didn't catch squat early and came back and caught them late, it kind of setup a rotational pattern with timing being the number one factor. I got lucky, but KVD knew what he was doing. He just as I thought ran out of water with so many guys fishing the same junk.

Good Luck

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As always thanks for the honest answers Bill I apprecaite them. Going to push my luck for one more go and I'll try to leave you be. I have in my mind, in this very coldest end of winter schooling I am receiving right now, we are looking for main lake stuff or one of the 1st swing/s in a small or meduim size cove, and not much over halway back in the large coves/ river arms. Am I way off here. Thanks again. When I become the wealthy man I am on my way to becoming I may look you up for a learning experience.

And also, am I looking for a sweet spot 50 yard , or likely much smaller, stretch of this swing, or simply a piece of wood, or is it going to be a larger area a couple hundred yards that the fish will pull up in. Realize there may not be a straight 100% of the time answer for this part of the question.

Been fighting this every late winter since I have been old enough to fish, and I am no better off than when I started unfortunately.

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That is one thing I've noticed the past few weeks is the fact that it isn't because the fish aren't there in a certain spot, they just won't bite at any given time. Some of my usual spots I have sat on them for almost an hour without a bite, then all of the sudden I can start catching some fish. I'm not sure what triggers them at certain times, but I believe its the way the fish are relating to shad...?

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