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Fall Creek Resort is spending a fortune at our local rock quarry.

They are in the process of rocking the bank from below their dock to the Narrows.

Not saying it's a bad thing... in light of the high water we've had and the damage they've sustained, they should.

But they are adding 30 feet to their real estate, and illuminating that much of lake. This area at Fall Creek is narrow already. The water screams through there when running full tilt and with this addition, it will just a little faster.

What is it... when you make adjustments to a stream, it will have an affect on the structure below it? We will see.

The Corp is not supposed to let people do this. I did call the local Corp guy but got no answer. I know when we've done construction, we were told not to push dirt or rock into the lake.

Then I saw this yesterday.


They are rocking the creek itself. Again, they are smart to do it BUT on the opposite bank of this rock is a high dirt bank. They are narrowing the creek mouth and will push water to the dirt side. Unless they plan to rock both sides (and that will be a trick), they may have trouble when we get a gully washer.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


I was up there yesterday, and was really suprised how far they had pushed out into the lake. Really way to far, That is the only deep water we have in that particular stretch and they have enchorached out at least 15 ft. into the channel. With the gravel bar on the other side if they do that up past the ramp and connect with the rip rap at the end, it will indeed take up way to much water, and I believe that is what they are going to do, unless stopped.

Right now with the ammount of shoal there is on the East side, it is almost a single boat lane. If you are fishing, you pretty much have to concede to the boat traffic. With this new addition to the shoreline, it is really going to be very close on navigation.

This should be addressed as soon as possible to keep them from further expansion. Pretty nice if you want more land, you just push out and take it from the navigatable part of the lake.

At this rate, what's to stop them from going clear across? That area is a disaster to begin with as people crowd the line and block the channel as it is. With this new wall that they are putting in, it is a real problem.

Need some intervention here.


What is the word on this situation? Did they just start putting the rip rap in or did they get some sort of clearance. I would think that the MDC would have some sort or ruling as well?

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