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  • Root Admin

My lab started having eye issues a week ago today. Mucus from left eye and swelling. I started putting saline solution in it and cleaning it several times a day. On Tuesday is worsened so I called the vet- took him in on Wednesday morning. They gave us a triple anti biotic drops to put in his eyes.

On Saturday the other eye was inflamed and the left eye started milking over which really scared me. Local vet closed so took him to Springfield. They said he had a retina infection and gave me drops with a steroid.

This morning his eyes are better, less mucus. The left eye seems to be a little clearer.

My fear is he will lose partial sight in his left eye.

Has anyone had this happen and will his eye clear up? He can see out of it- I've checked.

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I know of two cases similar to that, and strangely they happened at the same time so we assumed it was contagious. My inlaws lab gave it to mine (or vice-versa). They spent 400.00 +/- at the vet, and I just let my dog get over it on his own and we kept the two separated. Both dogs healed up about the same time, no noticeable permanent damage to either one.

The inlaws vet didn't specifically call it a "retina infection" though, just an eye infection. How do you narrow something like that down to a specific part of the eye without some intensive testing?

Sounds like your vet is just trying to stay in your pocket as long as he/she can.

I say....Stew the ol'pup up some buttered carrots (just cuz you love him and buttered cooked carrots are delicious) and let his immune system do its thing. :)

  • Root Admin

2 different vets. The one in Springfield was great and I felt like she did the right thing. I just couldn't sit by and let him go blind and not do anything.

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My daughters BFF is a 3rd. generation vet (in training), and just so happens to be holding down a kitchen chair here now. I asked if an eye infection could cause permanent damage and she says its unlikely unless considerable inflammation starts to put pressure on the eye and nerves.

She says that if it is BOTH eyes that it is likely not an actual infected eye issue, but rather an allergy of sorts, and the eye irritation is a symptom of THAT.


I'm sitting here at the club with T. Venable Beaumont, DVM, Chief of Canine Opthalmology Emeritus at University of Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. He says taking sick dogs to the vet is usually the right thing to do.



I'm sitting here at the club with T. Venable Beaumont, DVM, Chief of Canine Opthalmology Emeritus at University of Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. He says taking sick dogs to the vet is usually the right thing to do.

Tell Dr. Beaumont hi for me, he helped me on some fish health issues I was having during my reasearch in grad school. Fine man he is!

"The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it." –Abraham Lincoln

Tales of an Ozark Campground Proprietor

Dead Drift Fly Shop


I'm sitting here at the club with T. Venable Beaumont, DVM, Chief of Canine Opthalmology Emeritus at University of Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. He says taking sick dogs to the vet is usually the right thing to do.

LOL Well certainly. Even if you had to fly the watery eyed pooch halfway around the world. Only a total jackass like me thinks of money at a time like that.

In PC terms only the very well to do should harbor pets because they are the only ones capable of caring for them properly and keeping them out of trouble.



Tell Dr. Beaumont hi for me, he helped me on some fish health issues I was having during my reasearch in grad school. Fine man he is!

He sends his regards. He wanted me to ask if you followed his advice and kept your betas in separate fish bowls after that??



He sends his regards. He wanted me to ask if you followed his advice and kept your betas in separate fish bowls after that??

Sure did, fixed the problem.

"The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it." –Abraham Lincoln

Tales of an Ozark Campground Proprietor

Dead Drift Fly Shop

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

To follow up- long story short- left eye worsened. Never improved. Pressure on eye- very bad. Prescribed glaucoma meds. Nothing helped. Vet here said it looks really bad- take him to a specialists in KC. Took him Tuesday. She said nothing could be done. Remove the eye. Tried taking him back to KC this morning for surgery but roads were terrible through Springfield. Gave up and turned around. Surgery today here in Branson.

They'll send the eye off to have it looked at. Hopefully they'll find what happened. Very rare in dogs this young (2.5 years).

Right eye cleared up. It never clouded over.

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