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Great pics Bill. That must have been exciting to watch the whole day. Looking back on it now that he got the win.

Born to Fish. Forced to Work.


Gosh it was such a thrill. Seeing a friend win a tournament like that fishing for that much money and the composure he had was incredible.

Michael was using a lot of local knowledge on where LM bass live. I believe he only weighed in 1 K for the entire deal. We have talked about this many times on here. Where are the majority of Big events won on Table Rock lake. Usually within 10 mile one way or the other from Kimberling City.

Kimberling City has everything these big bass need to be there, plus it is stocked from the rest of the lake on a weekly basis with 90% of all tournaments going out of there or close.

Mike contributed his success on fishing for LM rather than fishing for just bass bites and he said it more than once. He was not in the White River Wiggle Wart crowd.

He did catch his biggest fish on a wart, but he was targeting a shallow pile. Me worked each location with multiple baits before he would leave an area. As I said if he knew there were LM there he hit them from multiple angles and with multiple baits.

Michael worked docks really slowly and caught fish off of every dock I saw him fish. I do not know how he picked the docks he wanted, but once he targeted a dock he picked its bones.

Double E also described what he was doing and it is what Mike was targeting. They were looking for ledge rock shelves mixed in the gravel banks. Standing and pole timber in a little deeper water did not hurt, but they wanted that shelf rock and really not that steep of stuff.

Except for the docks, Michael's fish came in under 4' of water and on every cast it was a 100 plus ft. parallel right down the bank.

Don't think he got up river higher than point 19 during the entire deal.

Palaniuk fished a jerker at KC on the last day and from what I heard did it the entire week on other lake sections.

Those guys that ran up to Shell Knob, caught Shell Knob fish. How many times have we praised that area as being one of the best bass fishing areas on Table Rock lake? Great area to fish and to guide, I just love it. I will live there when I retire. Really poor area if you want to win a derby. There is just not enough quality LM bites up there.

You go to Shell Knob you catch Shell Knob fish. That is not a bad thing.

If you have any more questions or comments that I might have an idea on, I'll let ya know.

This has been a really fun past week.


thnx for the pics bill the one thing i notice is how relaxed and composed he is on that front deck he just looks like hes out having fun he looks cool as a cucumber. :)

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