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Float Suggestions


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I'm headed down this Thursday for the Trout Bust and decided to finally load up one of the kayaks for a float on Friday. I haven't floated the Niangua yet, so I'm looking for some advice from you fine folks.

The first question I have is which yak to bring? I have a Pungo 14 and have access to an Ascend 10, both are sit-in angler models. From what I've waded around BS access and viewed on Google maps, the 14 should be a perfectly good option from BSP to NRO or Barclay CA. Most of that stretch is non-technical and is all riffle -> short run -> slow and deep until next riffle from what I gather. The Pungo is obviously much longer, tracks much better, and is more comfortable, but at the cost of some maneuverability. I'm guessing the discharge at the Windyville gauge will be down to 150 or less by Friday. Given the conditions and how I'm looking to fish, will the Pungo be fine or will I definitely need the maneuverability of the Ascend?

I plan to put in by 7am at BS access and take out around 6pm. NRO seems like it could be rather short. Should I continue on and take out at Barclay? I'll be fishing 5 and 8 weights targeting rainbow, brown, and smallies. I'm happy to take time and experiment but I don't want to end up at NRO by noon.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

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I'll be down at the bust on Thursday evening if you want to compare notes & float...Plan to float with my buddy Mike on Saturday thinking Moon Valley down, or CG down to Barclay to avoid access fee at NRO...6-7 miles each way. Maybe someplace else if we feel ambitious... Can get either of those floats done in 3 hours or all day depending on schedule. Think I'd bring your Pungo 14, or bring both of your boats and a friend. Pretty flat, easy, water for the most part. If your schedule differs...we can probably arrange for someone to spot your vehicle at the takeout. See you Thursday.

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Sounds good, Gavin. This is Bryan if you haven't already guessed, btw. : )

Hooking up with you guys sounds great if you don't mind the company. Lester offered to run my car from put-in to take-out if needed. I'll talk to you Thursday night and we'll figure it out.

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Well since I know you...bring some micro brew cans...picked up some Sante Fe today. Happy Camper IPA...pretty solid...Red Ale...new to me...Folks didn't have any Caldera beers in stock...

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Either yak would work. If you plan on getting out and fishing the good water, I would, you can spend a lot of time doing that stretch.

Gavin, unless it has changed, NRO only charges a $3 vehicle parking fee? You might call them a see if that's still true.

If you want to spend all day you might check and see what One Eyed or Corkery charges?

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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I'll give NRO a call just to find out either way.

Gavin - I laid down a route in my route planner and here are the rough distances I'm seeing to Barclay:

Moon Valley - 14.5

Cat Hollow - 10.3

Spring Hollow - 7.2

BS Access - 6.7

NRO is 3.3 closer.

These line up very closely to Missouri Canoe's map.

The best sections I see (hopefully somebody down recently can confirm) are Moon Valley to the West end of Riverfront Campground, then 2 miles before NRO until Barclay. So miles 0 -> 6 and then 9.3 -> 14.5 going Moon Valley to Barclay.

Food for thought. Back to tying. :)

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The best sections I see (hopefully somebody down recently can confirm) are Moon Valley to the West end of Riverfront Campground, then 2 miles before NRO until Barclay. So miles 0 -> 6 and then 9.3 -> 14.5 going Moon Valley to Barclay.

Food for thought. Back to tying. :)

What do you mean by best sections? You won't find many trout above Bennett now. the Bennett to NRO has lots of good water if there aren't many canoes. The good water starts at the access. The worst frog pond in the stretch leads into NRO.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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