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headed up to lake nianqua....never been there . anyone have any knowledge of that big pond. also interested of a contact up there to see if it is ice covered. any help would be appreciated


The lake doesn't hold many fish but the river from the dam to power house has good fishing. In spring bog walleye and crappie. Also I've caught a twelve pond drum down there to. Smallies live down there ad well

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Looking forward to your report!


Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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I called sho-me power.... they have live cameras that view the lake 24-7 . She said the lake is ice covered still and to call back Saturday to see if it opens up. She said they could even watch who's on the lake and what they are doing.


Of all places you could go and not be surveilled, I would have expected that to be one.

Guess you never know where it's safe to pee.

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There are lots of cameras around in remote locations for various reasons.

I know a lot of power companies have been putting in cameras....and alarms for that matter.

Some of it is due to copper theft. It's also partly due to the ease of existing fiber optics.

When transmission lines are built, they often run fiber cables. Usually the static wire is a fiber optic cable wrapped by a conductor.

I work in a lot of substations and fishinwrench is right, you never know where it safe to take a leak. More and more cameras.

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