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Hey guys, I'm new to the forum. I've read the reports on here for the past few months and finally decided to join. I have not been on table rock in a few years, and was wondering if the Ahoys ramp is still open. I understand that the Kimberling Inn is either closed or under construction? Thanks in advance for the help.

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Sad to say we can no longer use it. I live in Kimberling City.and since the Tornado that I could see from my back deck< the ramp has been closed. They have decided to close it to the public. Sorry


Sad to say we can no longer use it. I live in Kimberling City.and since the Tornado that I could see from my back deck< the ramp has been closed. They have decided to close it to the public. Sorry

Then, they must open it up for tournaments? I can see Ahoy's from my house, and there were several boats launching yesterday, and the parking lot was almost full.


Anyone know the status of Ahoy's and Kimberling Inn?

Does Jay Steed own both?

Any future plans?

He owns "The Rock", and I hear he was trying to buy the land just south of it for a new resort?


We stayed at Kimberling Inn four different times last year. A week each in April, May, September and October and it looked like business as usual at the Inn and at the ramp. We were the only boat in a stall in October which is when my stuff got stolen. Pretty steady traffic at the parking lot and the ramp though. Other than the motel portion (which has been leveled) Kimberling Inn has been back up and running normally for over a year.

We were told that the future development included the old motel area and also the property to the south that used to be a resort (can't remember the name - Kimberling Arms maybe?) They also said that Ahoy's was to be demolished as the guy didn't need any more competition for his other restaurants. Overall, is was a pretty aggressive (see expensive) plan.

Personally, I think my time there is up. $30 a night for a boat slip that has no security, no running water, no cleaning station, etc. is pretty excessive and they weren't budging off that price.

Don't know if any of that is pertinent but thought I'd throw it out there.

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."  George Carlin

"The only money ever wasted is money never spent."  Me.

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