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  • Root Admin

I've been thinking about how important it is, especially in the spring, to know what current water conditions are in lakes and rivers where your planning to go fish/boat/float.

Posts are made on various forums reporting what people see on their fishing trips, or if they live in the area, what they see when driving around or even out their back yards. These posts are extremely useful if reported in a timely and accurate manner.

The members who report these conditions should be commended, even given special status here on the forum, I believe. That's the subject of this post, and to introduce the forums I'm creating on various forums.

Under Table Rock Lake forum, I've created a sub forum called TABLE ROCK - WATER CONDITIONS! This forum is only for reporting and discussion CURRENT water conditions on Table Rock Lake. I plan to add more sub forums later today.

As for the members who live close to or drive by waters important to anglers on this forum, I would like to give them special titles to recognize them as lake, river, stream reporters for Ozarkanglers IF THEY WOULD LIKE TO POST CURRENT WATER CONDITIONS AS THEY SEE IT ON THIS FORUM.

This will act as a network of spotters giving invaluable information for those who plan on fishing a place where the water conditions could be in question because of rain or other events that would adversely affect a fishing or floating trip.

If you're reading this and live on a lake, river or stream, OR drive over or by the mentioned bodies of water, and would like to participate, ESPECIALLY if you're not a current member or poster on the forum, join up, jump in and report!

If you're agreeable and would like special status as a water spotter, I will change your title to such, giving you a title that is much appreciated by other members.

I would also like to solicit businesses on these waters that could also report current water conditions such as canoe liveries, marinas and bait shops close to these waters. I would need help with this task from members who know these people and/or frequent their establishments. This would be a great way to advertise their businesses on the most active fishing site in the Midwest.

I am open to suggestions, if anyone has ideas on how to make this work the best.


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That's a great idea Phil. When I plan to Bennett Spring I always wonder what shape the water is in. I used to call some of the businesses there to check but soon found that they have a vested interest in your coming down. An unbiased report would be most helpful.



Loving that idea, be especially nice for spring time river anglers.


Great idea. I often wonder what the weather and lake conditions are on Taney when reports are given. Would be interesting.

Need more fishing reports on Taney.


I cross the Finley twice a day every day. If you want reports there I'll be happy to give them.

  • Root Admin

I cross the Finley twice a day every day. If you want reports there I'll be happy to give them.

I'll create a forum for the Finley. You don't have to report unless there's something going on- then when it drops or clears up. Use your own discretion.


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  • Root Admin

I have had 2 members step up and volunteer to give river conditions for the Finley and for the Meramec.

Anyone else?

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  • Root Admin

I would love it (and so would you) if we had more marinas and shops close to good waters to report every once in a while. If you frequent one of these shops, ask the owner if he would be interested. Put their ads in their signatures. Free advertising!

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I cross the White River, West Fork of the White River (Beaver watershed)

clear creek a tributary of the Illinois river (Tenkiller watershed)

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