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Which lake is "hotter" now? I am taking my son this weekend and would like to see him have a little success to perk up his fishing interest. 21 years old and has only fish a couple of times.


For Crappie, I would go Pomme. Stockton, up the creeks is a lot like opening day at Bennett Springs....... no parking places at Aldrich, or High Point.... a zoo


“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein



TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


Sounds like Pomme it is. I am very excited to be on the water with my boy. Thanks guys!!!!


are you fishing from a boat?

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


if your coming from the south, put in at Bolivar Landing. For bass, fish the shoreline to the right of the ramp. Lots of fish on that bank, including lots "lots" of crappie. Fish that to the 2nd cutback cove on the right.

Or, go straight away from the ramp. You will see an orange marker buoy on the left of that point. Watch the very shallow water there. The cove to the left past that point is another good area. Start at the point, and fish past the docks. The single dock to the right usually holds a few fish.

There lots of timber to fish if you turn left out of the ramp and head up the river past the fishing dock, around the first left hand bend.

That will get ya started on the lower end of the lake. Try Coopers Cove area also. Its a 5 minute boat ride north of the ramp,

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


Thanks ketchup. We launched at 6 am this morning and fished the areas you posted. Just got off the water. My son caught 6 bass and lost 5 bass at the boat (slack line). He had a blast!!!! ?

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