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Hate to tell you guys who want to wade this but...

Got word that Southwest Power Admin has given the ok to a MDC request that they run at least 25 mw (half unit) at all times.

Starting next week (or before that time) they will run no more than 2 units of water. This will let Bull Shoals drop to that 680 mark.

So the new flows will be between a half unit and 2 units for the foreseeable future.

At 25 mw, you can wade the tailwater as well as at Pointe Royale.

Just curious ... why would the MDC request that they run at least a half unit at all times?

I've made a half dozen trips to to Taney this year, two of them for two weeks at a time and the last time I was able to wade fish was on New Year's day ... a bit frustrating for those of us that prefer wading with a fly rod ...

  • Root Admin

I think there might be some confusion on my part. I was talking to MDC about the draw down (after Bull Shoals is down to 680 feet). They draw Taney down 4 feet below normal and leaves most of the gravel above Fall Creek exposed to the elements, killing all scud, sow bugs and midges (I think midges may survive?). So SPA works with Empire (owner of Powersite Dam) during the time, releasing at least 25 mw of generation to keep the upper end watered. Empire draws that much through its turbines, keeping the lake low.

Anyhow- I may have gotten my facts wrong. We may see some down time here in the next few days - or next week.

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I just got in tonight and just left the trophy area at 11pm. Water is dropping and has dropped from the looks of it pretty recently. The gravel is exposed by outlet 1, It it still is a bit high for anything other than maybe wading along the bank. I'll be back in the morning and fingers crossed we may have a bit more area to spread out around the outlets.

Thanks for the update and info Phil, plan to stop in and pick up sine shirts and jigs, and of course take another swing at fishing that dock. :)


So wish I had better news. I got down this morning around 6. Water was off, but bite was really slow and soft... Around 715 they went to 2 units which is still wadable. Around 930 they went to 4 units... So the outlet holes are super crowded as that's about the only place to fish.

  • Root Admin

I figured out why Mdc asked for a minimum of 25 mw of generation.

The bladders control the gates on top of the dam at Powersite. I guess at least one is busted. This allows the gate to drop too far down letting too much water over the dam. This draws Taneycomo down past normal levels (701 feet). Drawing it down even a foot will expose massive amounts of gravel in the upper lake so they need to run a little water to keep this gravel wet.

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Thanks Phil, Is it correct then that flip side of this is that its going to take a very long time to draw down TRL from the 927' levels that its currently at?

  • Root Admin

Look at the SPA forecast for the weekend thur Monday. Interesting. Good water on Saturday and Sunday. Monday back to weekday water.

But look at Bull Shoals schedule. Increasing everyday. Serious release starting Monday. We'll see how fast they can pull BS down.

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with the lake down this past thursday and friday mornings you all should see the pile of rock out in front of fall creek WOW thats a train wreck waiting to happen

  • Members

with the lake down this past thursday and friday mornings you all should see the pile of rock out in front of fall creek WOW thats a train wreck waiting to happen

Can anyone post a pic? Going to be there for a week starting the 25th of July.

  • Root Admin

I haven't been up there to see it yet. But we've gotten alot of damaged props the last few days...

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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