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Just a quick post. Tried to get a pre-storm bite but only lasted 30 minutes before the lightning started. Not for me, headed in with only 1-12" spot. What amazed me was the surface water temp was at 90 degrees! Lake was busy near rt.12 when I went out but cleared out quick except a wave runner towing a tube all through the storm. Crazy!


Wave runner towing a tube during storm?

Natural selection.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


I hate to sound rude or hateful but I mean really.....if someone does not have enough knowledge and understanding about how lightening works, endangering yourself (and others - rescuers), then I say let Darwin and one of his "theories" prove true.

I believe it was just last year a father and teenage daughter was killed by lightening walking on a beach in Florida during a heavy downpour with violent lightening strikes all around. They may as well have danced around waiving lightening rods praying for lightening. And from what I've seen of lightening in Florida........those are straight down to the ground strikes. No small bolts........big ole Zeus, King of the Greek Gods type bolts!

So yeah.......natural selection.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


I just don't understand even taking the chance. I used to push my luck a little bit (fished with thunder rolling) but after that guy got hit earlier this spring while I was at the Everett weigh in it kind of put things in a new light for me. It's just not worth dying over. But I'm with you, it sounds rude and hateful but you also can't approach most people anymore and expect them to listen. It's a shame really.


I hate to sound rude or hateful but I mean really.....if someone does not have enough knowledge and understanding about how lightening works, endangering yourself (and others - rescuers), then I say let Darwin and one of his "theories" prove true.

I believe it was just last year a father and teenage daughter was killed by lightening walking on a beach in Florida during a heavy downpour with violent lightening strikes all around. They may as well have danced around waiving lightening rods praying for lightening. And from what I've seen of lightening in Florida........those are straight down to the ground strikes. No small bolts........big ole Zeus, King of the Greek Gods type bolts!

So yeah.......natural selection.

We really need to remove warning labels and stop warning people not to do dangerous stuff to let natural selection start sorting out some of the dumb people in this world. Every other animal, the ones that are dumb enough to wander away from the herd, or go investigate a strange noise or animal are the ones that are taken out of the breeding population. Humans are the only animals that protect the village idiots because they can't do it themselves. We're really starting to suffer the consequences of those actions these days too.

Obviously not talking about children here, they don't know better, but if an adult wants to drive their speedboat through a stump filled river or take a stroll in a lightning storm, I'm not going to stop them.

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