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I just wanted to let you know about a habitat project we are working on this year.  AGFC is working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Beaver Lake Office to conduct a fish habitat project on Beaver Lake.  The project will have two goals that will improve fish and wildlife habitat on Beaver Lake by thinning cedar trees.  The Corps of Engineers has given us permission to cut cedar trees on the Islands (Deer, Bear and Shadox) and sink them as fish habitat.  Plans are to cut and sink up to 800 trees in the next year and habitat structures will be marked with a GPS.  GPS coordinates will be available on our GIS website (http://gis.agfc.com/).  We will continually update the GIS coordinates as we sink more trees.  If anyone has questions or wants more information about the project, contact our fisheries office in Rogers at the following number or email address.  If you know of some good spots to place brush, we can place some of the cedar trees in those areas.  The only catch is that everyone will know where they are.  Good luck fishing in this cooler weather.


Jon Stein


Fisheries District 1

2805 West Oak Street

Rogers, AR 72758

(479) 631-6005


dumping cedar.JPG

Dumping cedar 2.JPG

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Thank you for the project! From the view point of a bass and walleye fisherman, please locate your tree piles as close to the edge of the channels as you can. Brush piles in 15 feet of water are not much use except in the spring. Trees in 35 feet of water right on the channel edge will hold fish suspended above them like you would not believe. My 2 cents.


Awesome job!


I saw this on the AGFC Facebook page a few days ago.  Interesting management of the trees and perfect use for the trees in the lake.  If I provide you with a particular pattern where you could drop them in a row one after another, us trollers would appreciate it! LOL!  (kidding)

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He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


I'm not seeing a lot of spots on the GIS map.  Thank you for sharing this! I did not know it existed. 

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

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