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I finally made it to the lake.  My main focus was going to try the rock crawler just to see,  even though the water temp isn't really right just yet, i was also going to focus on the whopper plopper and the ned. I struck out on the Rock crawler. But did pretty decent on the ned, one almost 3lbs. With the ned i focused on main lake and secondary points until the wind picked up too much,  then i moved to protected areas. In terms of size they were better on the whopper plopper. I didn't catch as many on it but they were all decent ones and I caught them starting at 4 until 5pm when I finally made myself commit.  One decent spot and the rest were large mouths. (Nice to see)The biggest being about 3lbs.  Ledge rock banks 3 to 10 fow. When they hit it, it was a freight train hit.  I went with my 12 year old daughter who also caught a decent small mouth on a spinner bait. I'll be back out in the morning.  I'll be in a John deere green champion if you see me, stop and say hi. Good luck to everyone. 


sounds like a great day . . . thanks for the great report . . . hard to beat the WP and Ned as a must have combo in the Fall . . . talk about two baits that are at opposite ends of the spectrum . . . the last couple of weeks I've been trying to figure out a third "must have" bait to go along with the WP and Ned . . . haven't been able to put my finger on it . . . have not used any other bait this Fall season that produces as consistently as the WP and Ned . . . any thoughts from anyone on a Fall bait that could be added to turn the "duo" into a "trio"?


The only thing i caught anything on today was a Bandit 200 chartreuse and root beer colored.

I know everything about nothing and know nothing about everything!

Bruce Philips


I would always have a jig tied on as a third go to bait. Nice report, hammer. 


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