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We caught 18 with 5 keepers with the lm in the net going 3lbs. All fish were caught on a rock crawler in about 10 fow sitting in 16' to 20'. Water temps started a little over 51 and by 4pm warmed up to 54.6. We caught them on main and secondary pts. and main lake 30 degree banks. Water visibility close to 3 ft. Water seemed a little murky in spots. Majority of the fish were spots.20160325_152055_resized.jpg20160325_145317_resized_1.jpg20160325_150654_resized.jpg20160325_112657_resized_1.jpg


I'll try to take pics without letting my bass touching  the carpet from now on. I don't want to be responsible for dead bass floating up and down the Kings or White.


Nice ones, that first fish looks like a meanmouth to me.  Bass are pretty tough fish, I doubt that laying them on the carpet, especially this time of the year, is going to do any permanent damage.  I'd bet a dollar that when you lifted those fish off the carpet, you didn't see any slime left on the rug.  With big, heavy fish that flop around, yeah I could see potential for harm, but I bet those fish in your pics are swimming around doing fine right now.


Nice catch!!  sure wish i could get out tomorrow and fish but i have to clean house for Sunday Family Gathering...lol

I know everything about nothing and know nothing about everything!

Bruce Philips


I did notice that my favorite rock crawler has a dark yellow bottom on it after seeing your post. They do love that color. This was our 5th keeper. At least this one wasn't on the carpet. You Missouri guys notice the college emblem?20160325_201757.jpg

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