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Remember if you are fishing in crane creek to be careful to not over-fight the fish. Also try to fish during the cooler parts of day to make it less stressful on them. Early morning and late evening are the best and fish are typically more active at these time as well. Another thing is watch where you step as stepping on a cottonmouth tends to ruin your day. The upper end dries up pretty bad and concentrates fish into big holes and makes them easily spooked so be stealthier than usual. The middle and lower ends get low but not nearly as bad. Where drab colors and stay out of the water if possible. The big ones spook quick and spook all the others. Have fun!


Thanks for the summer tips. I hope to head down soon. I hate snakes though


Me too. I have been swamped at work and spend all my day off trying catch up enough at home to.keep me out of trouble . Probably head down monday if possible


Headed down tuesday afternoon to check out the creek and hopefully it rains again so i can maybe wet a line without spookingthe whole creek


Finally was able to hit the creek Friday. Was only able to fish for 2 - 3 hours before the hard rain hit. Caught 4. Three very small and one that was 12". When you are used to catching released fish this 12" er felt like it weighed 2 pounds. Everything on a prince nymph.


Hit the creek with a new flyfishing buddy. . . Scared a lot of fish and caught six total. Creek is.gin clear and low. Prince nymph in 12 and beadhead p n p in 18 were the go toos. Had a few violent attacks on the caddis but no hookups. I will be visiting again soon . The newbie caught one as well on a wooly bugger on olive. 

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