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mine was in 1997 on lake fork in tx. cold front had hit and the bites were a rare thing. what was so memorable is it was the last fishing trip I got to spend with my father before he passed a few months later. the look of shear joy on his face during that trip was priceless and is a memory I cherrish


Many trips come to mind.   Most memorable one would be at Carondelet park in St Louis city.  It has 2 ponds.   My best childhood friend and I were fishing Horseshoe Lake.  We had a spot we always set up at.  We fished with nightcrawlers as early teenagers.  I couldn't tell you what month it was, or year.   It was sunny out.  The pond must have just been stocked.  We fished for about 2 hours and we were tired of it.   Every single time the hook hit the water we caught a yellow belly (bull head Catfish).  If you aren't familiar with yellow belly's, they are notorious for swallowing the hook.  As teenagers,  we weren't as conservation minded as we are now, and tried extraction on many of those fish.  I know we should have cut the line, now.  We retied so many hooks, I learned what the value of a swivel and snelled hook is.  It was one of those days, that if anyone ever told me the story, I would listen, but in my head would be calling BS.  The fish did not have any size to them, and don't give any fight.   Just the sheer number of fish caught, was what made it memorable.   It was my first time having "bass thumb", but due to Catfish.   I will never forget that day.  Fished the same spot many times before and after, never had another day anywhere close to it.  Almost seems like a dream, but my buddy still tells the same story.   DC 

Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


Hard to really point to just one trip, but I'd say so far, it would have to be the first couple times I actually started fishing with my current fishing buddies. Up until then I pretty much either went by myself, or the occasional friend who wasn't really that into fishing. Then one day an old friend of mine, who used to be my martial arts teacher, noticed over facebook that I like to go fishing and suggested we go sometime. We met up on a rainy muddy day most casual fisherman would've opted out of, and hit up a couple spots, skunking out on all spots (though I think that was the day I snagged a ~3 foot Asian Carp after he had to leave), but noticing we we're both addicted to it. Next time he also introduced me to his other die-hard fishing buddy, and there's been a number of really funny trips since. Nowadays it's hard to find days that all 3 of us can make it, but it's still fun when it does work out.

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