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  On 7/14/2016 at 12:05 AM, Walcrabass said:


  I guess it all boils down to what is "Significant death rate". Once again I must stress MONEY !!! Our MDC and others in other states need it too and so I personally believe it always has some sway in things. Like I said before, Paper Trail Tournaments would be awesome as far as the death rate is concerned. One other point is that a lot of "Bass Pros"  completely stop competitive fishing in the summer months. This is probably mostly because the daytime fishing falls off so much. In other words a night tournament for the "big bucks" would be so hard to keep 100% honest.

  I agree with the belt thing




I concur on all 3 accounts. Money seems to be very powerful. I would trust any one of the guys in our little"club" in a paper tournament. It is their eyes and handwriting I mite question. Lol


As Mopanfisher says don't have them on the shoreline either. Back to the Freezer at home is the answer. Also don't be possessing Filets on the bank. Not that this would happen but I think that technically a guy could get himself in trouble for having them in the ice chest while still on a multiple day fishing trip.



I know folks who have taken daily limits of crappie back to their campsite, where they have a small freezer on a trailer, plugged in and running.  Clean the fish, then freeze them just like at home.  However legally you are still done crappie fishing for the day.  Cleaning them on the shoreline and putting fillets into an ice chest, would probably be a judgement call by the agent, however if you have over 30 crappie fillets in the ice chest and then keep another one, you are technically in violation.  If I was camping and catching crappie, I would take my daily limit (assuming I could actually catch one, which is a big assumption for me some days), clean them put them into bags just like normal and label them with date, permit number, even what lake caught at, then drop them preferably into a freezer, at worst into an ice chest with lots of ice.  and then enjoy the rest of the day either chilling at the campsite, or go fishing for walleye, white bass etc. 


Thank you to you fella's for the help and insight of clearing this up. Hopefully this will answer everybody's questions. I know it did mine. 


Mopanfisher is right. Label, Label, Label, and Label. Especially the lake where they are caught !! Many of us fish in different states and even private farm ponds. This can drastically change the amount of fish you can legally have in your freezer. Be careful of the farm ponds. If they were stocked by the MDC then the same regulations apply as for the lakes with the exception of length limits.

Also while we are on the subject..................... If you give fish to someone please put all your information on the packages to keep them AND yourself from being in trouble. Not a bad idea to list what is in the bags. It may keep them from all being thawed out by an agent to see what is inside someday. I have known people whose homes were "inspected" by the MDC. Fortunately they were legal on all accounts. Believe me the "inspection" can go pretty deep.



  On 7/14/2016 at 9:16 PM, Walcrabass said:

Mopanfisher is right. Label, Label, Label, and Label. Especially the lake where they are caught !! Many of us fish in different states and even private farm ponds. This can drastically change the amount of fish you can legally have in your freezer. Be careful of the farm ponds. If they were stocked by the MDC then the same regulations apply as for the lakes with the exception of length limits.

Also while we are on the subject..................... If you give fish to someone please put all your information on the packages to keep them AND yourself from being in trouble. Not a bad idea to list what is in the bags. It may keep them from all being thawed out by an agent to see what is inside someday. I have known people whose homes were "inspected" by the MDC. Fortunately they were legal on all accounts. Believe me the "inspection" can go pretty deep.




Labels can lie very easily.  Good discussions here, but it all boils down to enforcement. 

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