snagged in outlet 3 Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 Is this also you Mr. Whodat?
Whodat Posted March 8, 2007 Author Posted March 8, 2007 Yes, he informed us that even casting above the cable was illegal, that I didn't know. It's a safe bet I will keep my distance now. The fish will still be there.We caught everything on roostertails yesterday and could cast them half way across the lake.Alot of the bites was on the drop!
rainbow Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 I have fished in Missouri for more than 50 years and have met many a conservation agent in the field. I have never had anything but a good experience with all of them. Last summer during a group campout at a CA an agent showed up. We had people fishing and squirrel hunting and he was very professional in doing his job. He came back at night when we were having a big campfire and cookout and stayed about an hour anwering questions. We all felt good about how he handled things with a pretty good size group. However, we also had all the permits for the group camp and had trash bags hanging all over the place. This is a sportsmans group and we all know what the right this is to do. My .02 worth on this one.
Members John Smoot Posted March 8, 2007 Members Posted March 8, 2007 Hmmm. Sorry, but this sounds alot like someone who got caught speeding. Pay the fine. Slow down. I wish there were more agents. And I wish they'd write tickets for every single violation, regardless of the hat a person is wearing. We share the resourse. We have to follow the rules. If we don't, it means we're cheating...everyone else who does follow the rules. I can understand being upset...but think about who you should be mad at. And good luck tomorrow!
ColdWaterFshr Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 The officer said when he comes up to us, have you got any wants or warrents! (in tough guy, Dirty Harry voice) Well do ya, punk? Do you have any warrants? Fishing 3 feet above the cable. Hahahaha I think thats great, and yes, you deserve the ticket. Lake is only 20 miles long and you just had to get up there a little closer to the dam, didn't ya punk? What a weasel.
Flysmallie Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 So tomorrow.I will be at Chute #1 with my Flippin Stick and a Zara Spook on trying to catch them Bass Phil is talking about. So what will that prove, that you've lost your mind. Just because you were caught does not give you the right to be disrespectful to the people that are there. I really don't think the warden will mind you throwing a Zara spook, but you will be pretty annoying to those that are trying to enjoy themselves. Everybody breaks the law. Whether it's speeding, rolling through a stop light, fishing above the cable, or removing that tag from your mattress. But when you get caught, take your lumps like a man, not like a child.
Tightline Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 My goodness guys get off his back!He's already admitted he was wrong and that the others who posted were right.He's learned a big lesson just like all the rest of us have at some point in our lives.My biggest and hardest lesson to learn was to SLOW DOWN.Now days I try to drive 5 mph below the limit. I'm not gonna throw any stones thats for sure.
Members gcryar Posted March 8, 2007 Members Posted March 8, 2007 My goodness guys get off his back!He's already admitted he was wrong and that the others who posted were right.He's learned a big lesson just like all the rest of us have at some point in our lives.My biggest and hardest lesson to learn was to SLOW DOWN.Now days I try to drive 5 mph below the limit. I'm not gonna throw any stones thats for sure. Tightline, you are right. Several of the folks on here are exhibiting the kind of "hollier than thou" attitude that many of us fly fishermen are know for. Glen
Members FliTrap4 Posted March 9, 2007 Members Posted March 9, 2007 I have nothing be respect for anyone that is willing to put on a uniform to enforce the law! Here is a great example of how dangerous their job is: A few years ago, my son and I were fishing from a public access along a small Missouri stream. We were catching a good number of fat Bluegills and a few Smallies….all C&R! Having a great day! Now this stream isn’t like way off the trail or anything and the area is open enough to be able to be aware your surroundings! I noticed a Conservation officer walking towards us. I waded on to the shore, said hi and handed him my tags as did my son. The officer was nothing but polite! Had a good talk about the fishing in the area and such. As he tipped his had to turn and leave, I halted him once more and asked: “Do you all work out here alone or with a partner?” He clarified that he typically has a partner along. I asked: “ Would partner happen to be wearing full camo…. Carrying the sniper style rifle and is hanging about 30 yards back up there along brushy ditch along the field… with that scope pointing this way? Because if not…. We are in a heap of trouble….” The Officer looked at me, blushed a bit and said “You knew he was there?” When did you see him?” That was my tern to laugh! Pointed out that as a well-educated hunter my self, I had realized that the “sniper” was in the field some 35 minutes prior to the officer’s approach. Pointing out that the officer had let the other guy out of the truck about 100 yds. cornered across the standing cornfield. He looked over at his partner and mumbled that the guy was gonna someday get them in a bind! We talked a bit longer about the “trouble” they had been having in recent weeks with folks fishing the area without the right tags and how a guy carrying a gun not too long ago had confronted an agent. I thanked the officer for his visit and his hard work! Great day of fishing! FliTrap
MrDucky Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 WoW 3 feet closer to that DANG warning Whistle , Not for me lol, that would be a little too close for comfort . Yikes!!! I Hate that warning horn
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