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  • Root Admin

Thought I'd start another topic for this rain event.

For seeing how much rain has fallen, I use 


Beaver jumped up from 1129.09 to 1129.26 between 6 and 7 this morning but didn't change at the 8 am reading.  It has less than a foot of free board before they start to dump.  Question is how much are they going to release?

Table Rock has 4 feet of free board.  It's at 927.01.  

Beaver area got a solid 3 inches or more.  On east, we got a solid 2 inches plus.  I don't think the James will rise too much - don't think TR got hammered like Beaver but TR is going to get a lot of water from Beaver pretty soon.  

I'm hoping TR can hold what has fallen so they won't have to run too much water through us next week.  I don't think it's a matter of flooding for us, it's a matter of whether we will be able to get to our dock, to keep our dock open.  This does mean that TR will stay high through the Memorial Weekend which doesn't bode well for resort and marinas.  I feel for the State Park guys... and others affected by this high water.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Sorry but my gauge shows right at 3", James at Delaware went from 5.7 yesterday to 13.5 this morning....or 342 CFS to 4,550....Flat Creek went from 347 to 4,790.... be at Table Rock in a couple days..... a lot to hold

“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein

  • Root Admin

Release Notice:  Table Rock Dam will go from 14,000 to 20,000 today at noon.  All 10 gates will be open 6 inches.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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