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I’m coming to Beaver on Monday and will be fishing for a week.  We are staying near Starkey.  Does anyone have any reports on striper, walleye or crappie anywhere near there?  I’m guessing due to the heat I’ll stick to hitting the points for walleye unless I can find some striper schools.  I caught several keeper walleye last year doing that.   Appreciate any advice any of you can share.  


Don’t know how much help I could be but, trolling points with B.B.  for walleye would be good I’d think.  Stripers would probably be caught 25-40 feet deep (maybe deeper) with live bait early and late-dark.  Indian creek to starky’s will be the places u want to look for stripers.  


I agree with what Dan says.  I saw quite a few striper fishermen near the dam last week, that's usually a sign that the stripers are in the area.  Walleye population is pretty good this year, I'm sure if you target them, you'll get some.


I stayed at Starkey last week and your thinking is correct, I was BB crawlers in 25 FOW and catching walleyes. Points is where I got most of my eyes .....I trolled big swim baits for striper at dark and early in the morning and got three...nothing big 10lbs, got them in the channel 25 ft down .


Gone but not forgotten Martin Ford

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