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  • Root Admin

Much brighter morning this am than Wednesday. Much less topwater action, more boat traffic.

Started close to the Belle with grubs and swimming minnows and first cast Levi hooked a smallie. We worked several gravel banks on both side of the big boat and caught 9 SM and a bunch of gogs. No keeper SM- coupld of 14's. Hit one spot where there was a rock formation off the bank in 10 feet of water and there were fish all over it.

Fun time but no whites. Bill said they weren't coming up till 9-11 am but I think today's going to be too nice a day for them.

Left at 8 am.




Nefews Ryan and Levi with a couple of gogs. Ryan said I would take a pic of his smallest fish.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


I am looking forward to your report. I am either going down tomorrow afternoon or Sunday morning and wouldn't mind C&R on some whites. I need to pre fish for a tourmament but whites are just too much fun to pass up.


I'm lovin' that Jayhawk hat! My brother and I are heading down next Friday for eight days and it's good to see that there will be at least a couple of "friendlies" amoungst all those Mizzou folks. The pictures and reports for the last few weeks are enough to give me heart palpitations. Of course, knowin' our luck, one more week will probably be the end of it for the spring! Save us a place!

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."  George Carlin

"The only money ever wasted is money never spent."  Me.

  • Root Admin

Levi will be sporting a OAF has next time we go fishing. Gotta keep as neutral as possible :)

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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