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Called an audible last Saturday morning and went fly fishing below Beaver Dam. Looked at the gen schedule and low water until maybe 10:00. Parked by the restrooms by first campground and on the water by 6:00am. Lots of fog on the cool water. Man that cold water sure felt good! In fact got to shivering a bit a one point. Headed downstream into the old C&R section and quickly had a two fly breakoff(and indicator too). Mighta shoulda put on a new leader when I rigged up! Experimented with different flies for a bit and had no action. Went back to the original setup, Blue Dun Midge under a Y2K and started hooking up. Picture is the first fish landed. Action was pretty hot for a while and helped cut the chill of the foggy water. Went to the bank about 8:30 too well, you know.... Got the waders back up and took a few pictures of the fog still on the water. Worked my way down to the Turn-around area and was hooked up almost every cast for a while. Then about 9:54 they blew the horn. Caught a couple more and eased towards the bank as the good drift I had had was now zipping right on down the river. Headed back upstream on the gravel bar to the truck and called it a good morning! Except for a few kayaks early, pretty much had the areas I was at to myself. Of course the canoe hatch came off about 9:00 and was really heavy as I was walking to the truck.



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