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14 hours ago, BilletHead said:

If they are in their respective ranges no problem. Are you upset I could really care less about your carp? 

They are not mine……but it’s a slippery slope native vs non native….habitat has been changed forever…new species better adapted are in those biomes…think starling poop is an issue? Read up passenger pigeon issues…broke trees down from the weight of so may birds…

of how lake trout effected elk populations because grizzly bears were not feeding on the spring cutthroat trout run..and destroyed YOY elk calves

trend now is to remove dams….what would happen to the economy if trout where no longer viable in the white river drainage?  Trout are non native.

pheasants are displacing prairie chickens…non native grasses are not quail friendly.

I’ve read where waterfowl have moved their flyaways west yet avian flu has decimated domestic bird AND wild bird populations… anecdotal observation on my part but drought, overharvest and disease are the reasons for less bird in traditional fly ways…

MONKEYS? what monkeys?

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