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58 minutes ago, BilletHead said:

            Yes they are but wouldn't it of be neat to fish this country before it was changed? I'm talking BC (before carp) 😁

Yeah if a guy could go back in time and travel with the Lewis and Clark expedition.  


It is what it is.

I think AGFC has done a great job creating a world class trout fishery here in Arkansas.

Big thanks to Christy Graham and the AGFC folks.

Here is a video I took yesterday of a pair of nice rainbows doing their spawning thing and another male trying to crash the party.  




Is there any talk about more egg boxes of browns or Bonnevillie Cutts? 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


The definitive book to find if you're interested in all the strains of trout in North America is "Trout and Salmon of North America", by Robert J. Behnke.  It has range maps and excellent illustrations by Joe Tomelleri, who is almost as good as I am at depicting fish accurately😁.  If interested in an entertaining book about one man's quest to catch all the native cutthroat strains by seeking out tiny creeks above major waterfalls where non-native rainbows presumably couldn't reach, find "Native Trout of North America" by Robert H. Smith.  He caught just about all of them and took photos, but alas, a lot of his photos are pretty poor.

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