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Along with several of the other posters I wear breathables year around. I tried wearing my old neoprenes for a while in the winter but found that fleece pants under the breathables was actually warmer and MUCH more comfortable. Also like one of the other posters - in extremely cold weather I add polypro long underwear under the fleece.

I think breathable waders have got to rank as one of the best new products of the last 20 years.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell

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I'll second (fourth, fifth?) the breathables. With just a layer or two, they're fantastic. As long as you don't have leaks, then you shouldn't have any problems.

Mine are boot-foot with plenty of room so I don't cut off the blood flow to the tootsies. I made the mistake once of thinking I needed more insulation around the feet and wore two pairs of therma-socks. It was just a bit too tight, decreased the blood flow, and my feet froze. My experiences with stocking-foot (breathables) have all lead to frozen feet which made the rest of my body miserable.

::. JobyKSU

Tippet Breaker Extraordinaire

My experiences with stocking-foot (breathables) have all lead to frozen feet which made the rest of my body miserable.

The key to keeping your feet warm in stocking foot breathables is talso to layer. You can do this by putting on first a pair of thin silk or propylene socks followed by a heavier wool pair. The same principal applies to your feet. The more wicking of the moisture then the more warm you will be.

If the boot is to tight and you are not able to move in them this also causes your feet to get cold. I typically buy a wading boot a size or two larger than street shoes just for that purpose.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


I fished the other day when the sunrise temp was 13. I started fishing at 18 degrees and I think the high for the day was 25.

I wore breathables with fllece wader pants under my jeans. Truly I say to you that the only thing that got cold was my hands.

And Yeah, I caught trout.

I don't figure I'm gonna fish single digit weather so I have no need for neo's.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


Thanks for everyones reply on this. That truly helps out a lot. I just thought in the winter months that they would just not be worth it, but I always wear quite a bit below my waders just to be safe. I've been looking at them for quite awhile now, so now, just a decision on which ones! :D Thanks again for everyones comments.

"He told us about Christ's disciples being fisherman, and we were left to assume...that all great fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fisherman and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman." - Norman Maclean-A River Runs Through It


Ok, here is another point. Why not just wet wade if it is that darn hot in the summer? Why bother with waders at all? In that case, if you currently have neoprene waders, like I do, you can dress sparingly underneath them in early spring and late fall and be comfy. I have no gripes about neo. I am prone to cramping in cold weather, and neos keep me from cramping also.

I prefer to wet wade if I can, I will be wet tubing this year, after the water temps hit 65 or so, while others are struggling with waders on and off, I am fishing.



I wet wade most of the summer. I used to wear an old pair of sneakers. A couple of years ago, I bought a pair of those felt sole wading sandals. I love them. PC

Cheers. PC


I switched to breathables last year and love them. Soooooo much lighter and easier to walk around in.. Plenty warm if you later.

I bought the Simms L2's and so far have been very pleased.

I wet wade most of the summer. I used to wear an old pair of sneakers. A couple of years ago, I bought a pair of those felt sole wading sandals. I love them. PC

Wet wading with your rod, a box of flies / lures is the ultimate minimalistic experience..The only way to go.....Dano

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


They workd just fine in the winter...just layer up a bit and your comfortable..The air temp never cracked 10 degrees the day this was taken. Spent the entire day floating and only got chilly a couple times. Cheers.

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