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  • Root Admin

I was wondering how long it would be before politics was mentioned on the forum... it's a hot button topic for those who are passionate about their beliefs- left or right leaning.

I have a friend who is a diehard Dem. Lately we've had some great discussions about education, or lack thereof, in the public system. Of course he's upset by the present admin's policies. But we got even deeper in social issues and found both of us are passionate about the same things and agree on most things. It makes me believe more and more our gov't will never be the answer to our woos... the answer is us. Individuals who do care and are actually ready to sacrifice self to help our fellow man. Was never the gov'ts responsibility to do most of the programs they're doing now (doing poorly I might add)- I think it's the church's myself but that's another subject.

This refund is the latest in disappointments in our leaders, on both sides of the isle.

Who would I support- Huckabee. He's not the best but he's the closest to what I'd want in a President. But right now, I'm not thrilled with any of them- and I think the majority of Americans feel the same way.

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I voted for Huckabee, but he only stands a slight chance if the Romney fans support him, now that he is out of the race. Going to be a tough election and the ridiculous commercials are already starting!!

Fish On!

Mike Utt

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift from God, that’s why its called the Present!”

"If we ever forget that we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD, then we will be a nation gone under" - Ronald Reagan

Member: www.ozarkflyfishers.org


I think that we as individuals and united through organiations have great opportunities to help others. Our church designates nearly 25% of our budget for serving others. It is the american way to help others in need. If our government would extract less of our individual resourses for nonsence and get it to the real needs we would be much better off. I think that if one would study histories of fallen empires an interesting coorelation could be found between neglect of the needs of the poor and disrespect of the elerly to their downfall.

It is a sad day when the richest nation in the world finds itself with folks wanting to work who cannot find jobs and elderly folks taxed to the extent that they are in danger of losing all that they have worked for all of their lives. I volunteer with groups who attempt to help the poor and elderly and find these good americans struggling to hang on in hope of a better life.

They are not lazy and dumb but just trying the best that they can to get by.

I think that they wuld appreciate opportunity and less taxation over a one time 500 dollars.

Thom Harvengt


I have to agree with Thom. There are so many domestic programs that need to be implemented or revamped to help our own. We have been so concerned with being a World power and even to the point of meddling in the affairs of others that I think its time our government concentrated on our worries. I have no problem with helping those who are truly in need. Lets spend our dollars for entitlements of those that are infirm, disabled and down on their luck. But at the same time lets do what we can to get those people back in the workforce with proper health care, job training and education. As I say this I also feel we need to enforce the fraud that takes place in those systems aggressively and punish the offenders. As far as health care is concerned lets not deny the young and those 65 and older complete health care. You say well there is already Medicaid available, well sure there is, but were you aware that if you don't have a supplemental policy to take care of the deductible amounts you will see your already fixed income falling drastically. It a sad state that we can't take care of the elderly by giving them complete free health care. And its equally sad that a young person (who I know) who could not afford to have health insurance have to file bankruptcy because of an illness he couldn't prevent. And how do you face him when the same hospital doesn't bill an illegal immigrant with the same illness. If we are going to be humane then let all people be equal. As far as illegal immigration is concerned I have no problem with someone who wants to be a citizen of this great country, but I want them to follow the protocol to make that happen. Big business and those that hire illegals are just as guilty and should be punished with fines or increased taxes. I was caught up in the passion like everyone else when 9/11 happened. I wanted some butt to kick. But the more I see little if any progress in the years this has been going on that I think its time to bring troops home. These people don't want us there. How can we solve those problems in the Mid East that are primarily religious and have been going on for thousands of years. Bring our regulars back, station them along our borders and there will not be an illegal immigration problem or an issue with homeland security. I feel the economic situation is directly related to our allowance of world trade. Lets start making things here, lets keep our plants open with government incentives, lets trade with those that need our MADE IN AMERICA products for products those countries can supply. We do have problems and we need leaders who are willing to focus on them and repair the damage done. My rant is over.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


I back McCain because he has the most realistic plan. We all know that backing out of Iraq would be as stupid as backing out of South Korea. And we have been there for 6 decades. In Korea as well as Viet Nam we were fighting forces outside of the reasons why we were there. In both conflicts we were fighting Chinese. Not koreans or vietnamese. A force that could kick our butt and we all know that. Just in a softer context to avoid a world war against them.

With Iraq, we are doing what the Democrats were to scared to face. The clintons saw 911 way before it happened and did nothing. Did we forget the USS Cole and the embassy in northern Africa? All on Bills watch. He did nothing, thinking it would go away.

I for one think George W did the right thing. We needed a playground in the area to fight the war on the anti-american temper. He knocked out two birds with one stone and in the process finished what his father regretted not doing in the first place. Popular or not... It was genius. History will prove it. Given its inevitable passing. We are not fighting Iraqis. We are fighting Iranians, Syrians, Jordanians And Saudis. Not to mention that the conflict in afganistan is just starting to boil, and with the taliban reeking havok in pakistan these past months.

Just because we try not to look at it as a world war, if we ignore it we will be looking at it.

McCain thinks old school. Like Reagan. Carry a big stick but talk quiet. We need our boys in uniform more now than ever before and thier sacrifice can only be respected by a man that has walked the walk. He is the only canidate that believes in the over all picture.

Now as a life long republican I am sure to ruffle a few liberal feathers. And as a man who survives off the ideals of FDRs legacy I firmly believe that there will be a black president before there is a woman. Heck, I wish Colin Powwell was running just to prove that Obama has zero experiance with foriegn affairs. Hillary isnt ever gonna beat Obama and McCain is the better man between the two. He has stated he is a single term president. I wouldnt be surprised if huckabee doesnt take the vice-president ticket to pick up where McCain leaves off. Bible thumper or not, I would hate to be on huckabees bad side. Just look at his tenacity. He knows Mccain has him beat and he still has a stone to grind. That is the republican plan. Trust me.

I could go more indepth with my beliefs on this matter, but I think I have proven my point. Good economics or not, it is moot if we live in fear. With McCain we know we have a can of whoop butt. Isnt that all the world needs to know?

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

  • Root Admin

I do like McCain's attitude in regards to foreign affairs and if we have another major incident overseas or esp here at home, it will lock the Rep position on the war on terror. Even so, experience matters and neither Dem has any... both are still freshmen in the Senate.

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I'll bet the terrorist would get a real sense of success with some of these comments. Lets keep the American resourses fighting over here. Keep them near our Jihad. Studing history this has always been a successful stradegy. Napolean, the Roman empire, Great Britian, Spain, Germany, Japan to name a few extended their empires until they were spread so thin that they were bankrupted and defeated.

I am not an isolationist but we are never going to convert muslim countries into democracies. Hamas won the popular election. How smart was that. Democracy? NOT>just terriorism under another name.

Lets invest the Billions soon to be trillions into border security, technological survalence of the airspace, oceans, and borders, and a strong air defense that can bomb anyone into oblivion anyone who breaches our great American society. Even the current administration now admits that Sadaam had absolutely no chance of doing anything but running his mouth and had "0" to do with 9/11.

The mission accomplished fiasco still rings hollow. You can hide but you can escape, Then why aren't we concentating on Afganastan where the leader is.

I promised my self I would stay out of these political arguments and concentrate of tying flies and fishing, but I just couldn't resist.

BTW Trav: The 9/11 tradegy didn't occur under the Clinton administrartion. At least Harry Truman had the guts to say the buck stop stops here. If things were so bad why didn't the reigning administration straighten them up. Read the 9/11 report and you will find the answer and it wasn't all Clinton. That is why it was supressed for so long.

Thom Harvengt


Hey guys, Im gonna accept my money as it is and was,,,,,,,,my money.If they wanna give some back to us thats great....If any of you dont want it , just sign the back and mail it to me,Ill make good use of it

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  • Root Admin

Yea... this has wondered off the title... but that's ok. I'm sure we'll see politics brought up again on another topic of discussion here real soon.

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