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  1. nxs


    We live on the upper Pomme and they turned some otters loose close to us. Within 2 yrs there were no more bass, perch or even big chub minnows in our stretch of the river. So they moved to the neighbors ponds and cleaned them out. Dug dens in the banks to where they leaked all the time. MDC screwed that up along with them telling everyone that if there is running water no matter how small the stream is they have the right to trespass. Have no use for them at all!!
  2. thanks for the pic!!!! Went to see the vet in Columbia yesterday and most of the smaller rivers and creeks out of the banks. LOZ had a lot of boats out when we went across the bridge yesterday morning and looked pretty muddy. When we came back in the afternoon didn't see many boats but had whitecaps. Missouri was nasty looking as usual but was still in the banks, but they say it's still rising so that should change.
  3. Wish some one would post some pics for those of us that are house bound. I'd go myself if I was able.
  4. nxs

    Who knew?

    How strange. Just a little over a year ago my wife and I went to Academy and bought a Sig .380 ( P-238). We both looked at it and I gave it to her to see if it fit her hand ok. I had been in there a time or two looking but no one said a word. Only thing was they took it to check out when we got ready to leave and gave it to us at the door.
  5. Well it for a fact is pretty. Maybe some day when I win the lottery I'll have something newer, no wait you have to buy tickets for that so guess I just stay with the green lund. Looks like Pomme in the background. We went up there quite a bit last year in the spring but I was having so much trolling motor problems it turned some nice trips into bummers. I hate to fish on the weekends but weather is showing warm temps next week then cool on the weekend again. If you see me and Ralph give a holler. I figured they must be pretty small to be transported so easily. So how long can they survive out of water in cool temps??? Whoops my puter did not load those last ones so I'm a day late and a dollar short as usual.
  6. I have no idea how small those critters are when they first hatch out but I would all most bet money they're all ready in Stockton. So what did we get and what color?? A pic would be nice .
  7. We went Sunday first time I had been able to go since back in June I think it was. 3 crappie and a few short bass. But was sure good to get out again before another surgery. Have you been down to Beaver Creek this year??
  8. A good friend of mine was in charge of the pipeline construction. He told me that all CU had to do was put in bigger pumps to double the amount of water they could move. Pipes are bigger than are needed for the amount they're suppose to draw.
  9. We brought 12 crappie home last Thursday and they were all males. Their sacs were pretty much empty. Most of the crappie we've caught this spring have been in 7' to 8' of water. We have guessed they spawned probably around last years bank line, (before the water came up). Went yesterday and lots of people out enjoying the day. Swim beach was pretty full at Cedar. We caught a lot of small fish. Short crappie, short walleye and short bass. I did have one black that was a little over 16". Brought home 4 crappie and a 4# channel that puked up 4 chicken bones in the live well. I also caught a Goggle-eye. First one ever at Stockton. Didn't even know they were in the lake. Saw a Price Heating and Air truck at the parking lot when we left. Is that your's dprice?? Hope you had a better day at catching than we did.
  10. never say "drum" when fishing for walleye!!!!!
  11. nxs


    Naturally we couldn't buy a walleye last trip so I could try something different. Glad you caught some.
  12. We fought the wind yesterday. Could not fish any of the banks we wanted to fish but did manage to bring home 12 crappie. All were males but 1 and her eggs had some blood but were not mushy. Water temp had dropped and was running about 64* up around High Point. Spawn who knows?? 6' to 8' of water and caught on jigs. We caught several white bass and black bass. Some of the blacks were running up around 14". Kept half a doz whites for a friend.
  13. nxs


    I'll give it all a try and thanks! Must be a combination in there that will work
  14. We caught several last week in the lake that were really bellied down. They might have been heading for the river. It was nice to see some that had size to them again. We never fish for them anymore. No one around my house wants to eat them but sure do like to catch them.
  15. nxs


    Well don't feel lonesome. We've come home empty handed more this winter than any I can remember.
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