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Everything posted by dnj21
Nothing to report, wind pushed me all over and I couldn’t buy a bite. Was out about 2 hours- tried a couple Jerkbaits, A rig and red eye lipless but nothing to show for it. My 17ft Grizzly gets pushed around when it’s like that, really missed the boat by not getting out before lunch. Oh well, any day Bass fishing in Dec is a bonus right? if anyone gets out, pls share!!
I had not considered a lipless crank bait or spinnerbait. I’ll rig up an A-rig, jerkbait, lipless crank bait and a jig to start and we’ll go from there. Had a beautiful morning, now it’s overcast, windy and temp is dropping. Should have went out earlier for sure. Thanks to you guys for sharing, I appreciate it. Will update how it goes. Dave
Since tomorrow looks a lot more like a fishing day than a duck hunting day, I am going to head out after lunch for a couple hours. Curious how you guys decide what to start with at this time of year- are you more likely to throw a Jerk bait or an Alabama rig, a jig or what exactly helps you decide? Looking at water temps, clarity, light levels- anything special? Curious how everyone approaches this I tend to throw Jerk baits, switching colors and cadences but results usually leave a little be desired. What works when it gets cold but you want to get out?
I was surprised how many guys were trolling up in the Trophy area last week- Motor to the cable and drift down. I didn't see them catching much, not sure what they were using either though. Guys throwing jigs were doing okay most of the time, but especially early. I was down by the ramp wading Wednesday and a Guide had guys on fish right below there for a while until the whistle went off and we all headed out. They were throwing midges under indicators and taking their time. Like Phil told me, great conditions for using a boat........
Hit the lake one last time before we had to leave yesterday. Weather was great, hardly anyone fishing around lunchtime but a bunch of people looking around, taking pictures and throwing rocks in the water (!). Had the little one so we stayed right by outlet two. Grey scud was hot ticket, seemed to be the only thing they wanted. Seven year old had fun and when she got bored she was up on shore telling everyone the tales of the fish she hooked as they walked by. I tried Jesters advice and went above the boat ramp a day earlier. Looked good but never quite figured it out. Talked to a guide taking out and she told me they did okay on black midge with copper head. Don’t remember a Nov trip before, but overall seemed slower than my usual Oct one. Definitely fewer people fishing though. Will definitely bring the boat next time, or at least listen to Phil and go rent one. Next trip down not until Feb now- ugh!!
Busy with family things today, only caught the last hour before the horn blew and I headed out. There were 3 guys in outlet 2, they were catching a few on what looked like scuds. Pretyy much had the run of the lake otherwise Threw some big streamers on the 8 wt w/sinking tip. Not much until I pulled out a new black Sculpin I picked up at Phil’s yesterday. Had a nice one on for a bit, would love to have gotten a look at it. Otherwise pretty slow. Should have taken Phil’s advice and got the boat. Will hit it again tomorrow, will update if I do any good.
Got in late this afternoon, only had the last hour of daylight to fish. Started a little below outlet 2 with only a few people around (amazing for a 70 degree afternoon). Throwing a P&P midge size 18 on 6x about 3 ft under indicator. Hooked up with a decent fish on the first cast but then had to search through a few other staples without anymore luck. Finally did well on a couple stripping #6 pine sculpin before leaving. Nothing big but great start to the week. Need to hit Phil’s for Mink scuds and more Sculpins tomorrow. Also want to get out after dark and throw some streamers in the next few days. If anyone else is down here pls chime in and let us know how you are doing.
I will be down Saturday also, looks like we are catching the tail end of the nice weather though. Debating on bringing the boat or just wading. Phil- You throwing 5x or 6x leaders right now for your Mink Scuds? I need to get some more of those Scuplin/orange head jigs also, only picked up a few last time and when my daughter is throwing spinning gear they seem to be about the best option. Asking now in case Jackson is in the shop Sat when we get there. Its hard to talk fishing tactics and tips with your people when the seven year old spots the dog and wants to play. Keep telling her if I get thrown out of there because of her its coming out of her college fund!!!
I am interested to see if this cold snap next couple days empties Missouri of the fair weather ducks. Little early for the Mallards, if the Woodies and Pintails, etc get cold blooded and leave November may be slow......
Almost all my spots are in the Middle zone, guess I will deer hunt this weekend. Not a fan of the split, I liked a North zone open, then Middle following weekend. Got two opening days back to back, plus a lot of guys were out chasing deer this coming weekend. Used to be able to draw in to Schell most of the time on the deer opener. If you do any good, pls share.....
I was out of state, didn't get out this weekend. Any one do any good?
How sure are they on the pool thing? I use that as part of my sales pitch to lure the family down when I need an outing. Probably not anyone on here's main concern, but the seven year old REALLY likes to go swim after we fish in the morning.....
Good update, let us know how tonight goes. You going to throw plugs again and downsize?
Anyone have a trip report to share from the last couple days? Ruthead, Snagged in outlet 3? Living vicariously through you guys until I can get there Thursday....
Thanks Duane, this was pretty cool. Nomolites- We need a trip report with pics now!!!
I drew Dec 7th at FG, will be my first trip up there also. Need to branch out a little with Schell out of service and learn some new areas.
Pls add me to this generous offer.
Never mind, I did a quick search and found a Nov of '12 thread showing what you are talking about. Do you stock those? I drew a blank at that term at first..... Quote in case anyone else in curious: We both used 6x fluorocarbon tippet and fished a fly Rolan has made famous, at least in my world. No not peppy, but a #14 mink. He usually uses a 3769 TMC hook, 7 wraps of .015 lead wire and a dubbing he makes, mixing mink fur with brown antron. He uses either mink or peppy 99% of the time when he’s using scuds and one of the other catches trout. He uses the dubbing sparingly, leaving the ends of the fibers sticking out, no trimming.
Phil- When you say Mink scud, is that the material not the color correct?
Now looks like rain all weekend, not sure what I am doing. On vacation week after, will be 25th before I can get back down if I don't go. I know if I wait that long JestersHK will start posting pictures of what I missed or DD will release the next version of Sculpin 2.0 and the resulting bruisers that fall to it. Nothing worse than not going and seeing what you missed. Tough first world decisions.......
I am seeing more GoPro's this year than I remember in the past. Haven't noticed anyone setting up on a tripod. I am glad we have those outlets for folks that don't get around that well or novice anglers and kids, but it is perplexing why they load up from daylight to dusk there. 6 year old asked last time why everyone was so close together and were getting tangled up. Hard to explain politely
That is my record also- pulled 3 flies out of a ~16" Brown two Octobers ago downstream from an outlet 50 yards. Helped a guy net a nice one larger than that last October, had at least 3 in him I could see but didn't help him release so i am not sure if that was all or not. He was right at the end of #2 and it ran downstream and tried to wrap around me. I asked the guy if I could help, couldn't get out of the way. Nice fish and his was right in the corner of the mouth. All this Brown trout talk is getting to me- between DD's painting experiments and these excellent trip reports I can't concentrate at work. I may have to break way this weekend and come take a run at it.......
Duane's post with all the pictures makes it REALLY hard to concentrate at work. Now if you'll excuse me I need to check and see if I have a couple vacation days I can use here in the future......
Currently have a full sink line on my 8wt Streamer rod. Thinking about switching to more of an intermediate line (sinking tip, floating body) for ease of use. Any suggestions for what you guys like? Looking at Rio Streamer tip but open to suggestions. This can be moved to the Fly Fishing section if more appropriate, but 90% of my use of this set up is wading the upper section at Tanneycomo. Mostly interested in what works there specifically. Thank you!!
What a trip report, just outstanding! Thank you for sharing. How would you like to be the person who lands that Trout with the custom painted DD original in its mouth? Hopefully an OA guy that will appreciate what he has! I can see a whole market of fakes popping up an e-bay this weekend though- "Found floating down the Lake, assumed to be a DD original hand painted one of a kind. $200 opening bid!!"