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Everything posted by Paco
The rock pile is approximately 50 yards below the cable downstream of the dam.
BB, fantastic reports and info as usual !!!!!! Do have a question, Are you seeing any of the wallies on your electronic?
Quick report: Launched at the mouth of Swan at 3:00 pm fished till 7:00, went up to the Wilson Hole, good current, water temp 51, NO MUCH Wind, made 3 drifts catching 1 nice white. Went down below bridge above Barker fished the South bank, picked up 10 more white, all above average, big was 19 inches weighting 3lb 4oz. Threw A-Rig with pearl trailers. You might want to stop by Joe's Rod and Repair (Forsythe) and check out the new Berkly "Ripple Shad" in pearl (Bass Pro doen't have it YET)... Joe also has a good selection of the "Frenz", about the same shape and size of the old Shad Rap #5 but has tighter wiggle and runs true.
Shadow Rock is located at Forsythe Missouri at the intersections of Hwy 76 and 160. This is where Swan Creek runs into BS. Shadow Rock has playground, tennis/basketball courts and boat ramp. On the South side just South of the 76 bridge is the entrance of River Run Park and Boat acess ran by the Corp of Engineers. You can take the river run road and go all the way to the PowerSite Dam. (start of BS).
A buddy if mine wants to know if anyone has had any luck using a Z-Man Chatterbait. I have not personally used one, and don't know much about them.
9/8/11 "Buffy" and I fished from Tucker to the flats below Barn Hollow. Nothing (no walleye bites), 1 large drum, 1 yellow perch, 1 short Kentucky, several blue gills. Here's the info that might be of use to someone. Water temp was 78 degrees at 7:30 am and 80 at 3:30 pm when we left. Saw thermocline at 29 feet at the mouth of Bee Creek and Mincey. Other parts of the lake only had visual thermocline ever now and then. The wind action may have created some current that might have effected the TC. The yellow perch was about 3 inches long, looks like they be reproducing. Didn't see very much action on top (fish chasing shad). Hope the lake gets back to normal, had dropped 7+ feet in 2 weeks, I personally think that till the level stablizes that the fishing is going to remain "poor" at least for me!!
My buddy "Buffy" and I fished 8/30/11 out of Shadow Rock Park. Had NO problem putting in or taking out at the ramp by the old bridge. Good access. Sorry about not posting a report, Was so disgusted about the trip and nothing to report, I didn't (my bad). We had 1 walleye bite (22.5 inches 3 lb 11 oz) and 3 yellow perch. However, from Swan to the Pot Hole, the depth finder lite up!!!! If shad had any money value at all, Mr. Obama could pay off the National Debt and have "Change" back.. Some balls were 30-40 feet long and 12-14 feet thick. One ball was so dense that the finder went from 22 feet to 7 feet and stayed that way for several seconds. Water temp was 84 when we got there at 7:30 and 87 when we left at 3:00 pm. NO generation and the wind was out of the SE. That might have been part of the problem (no bites), but i think that the numbers of shad had the most impact. We used the Slow Death, Jigging spoons, trolled long bills and various cranks, NOTHING. Fished for the "Hole" to Barker.
I think that the 4 over 18 was for the Strippers and Hybrids, all three are classified as white bass.
8/25/11 Fished from Tucker to Fine, tried it all: The "Slow Death", jigging spoons, and trolling the long bill Thunderstick. Buffy and I fished bluff ends, flats, mouth of coves, back in coves and creek channels. NOTHING, not a single walleye, (did catch 10 big bull blue gills on the slow death).Fished from 24 to 50 feet of water. Marked lots of shad and fish in 26-29 range. Not a cloud in the sky, a nice riffle on the water, however a NE breeze. Water temp was 84 when we got there (8:00 am) and 87 when we left (3:30 pm).
8/11/11 Fished out Tucker Hollow on flat across from where they are cutting the side out of the Hill. Total catch: 6 walleyes, 13 bull bluegills, 1 yellow perch. The first 4 walleyes were keeper (19, 23, 19,18), then it thundered!!, lightning!!!! and rain! and the fishing went down hill. First walleye was at 36', the other 3 was 39'-40' all on the "Slow Death" with full crawler except for a about 1/4 inch cut off so some on the juices would flow. The last 2 walleyes (16, 17) came later in the afternoon at 26', being cloudy all day and could no longer get the deeper bite we moved shallow just out side the brush line. The fishing was really good (Not HOT), but the catching really slowed down after the thunder & lightning went thru. Water temp 89 degrees. The photo is "Buffy" with the 23 incher (4 lb. 5 oz.), you can see the cut hill and the storm in the horizon in the background.
Hey Dapper, U R now on a long and narrow road with NO END..... With the now full moon, you might try going to Forsyth and fish up by the Dam on the River Run Side, there has been many a monster caught up there, slow roll a Rouge or a swim'n minnow (purple) from the bank. GOOD Luck and HOLD ON.....
Great first walleye, with many more out there just awaiting for that little purple swim'n minnow to swim by... My First was June, 1967 on a 7 inch floating rapala waited down with 2 dogeared sinker on a old Pflueger reel with black braid line on a 6 ft Heddon Pal rod. I was fishing out of a 24 ft. MonArk boat pushed by a 6 hp. Johnson with a tackle box full of shear pins to get me back up to Powder Mill on Current River. Back then we didn't fish for walleyes but for Jacks or Jack Salmons. Most of the old timers still go Jack Fishing down around Eminence, Ellington, Van Buren, Fremont, and Winona.
Got to River Run at 1:00 pm, air temp 51, water temp 47.2, good current, ran up to Dam, BETTER BE CAREFUL, 1st shoal above Swan found 3.5 to 4.5 foot water. the Wilson Hole is about 7.0-8.0 foot deep. SECOND SHOAL found 1.9 to 2.3 feet of water. unless you have been there and done that, be careful!!! 4 to 5 feet of water around rock pile, Power Site was generating wide open. Caught 1 trout had another follow, NO walleyes. Went down, had a 17 incher off hair below bridge on same bank that we caught the 2 last week, fished both sides of Barker, not a bite. Could not get away from the wind (walleye chop), the wind was brutal.. ended up trolling deep divers and worms, couldn't cast with a huge bow in your line. Looks like the weather is about to break this weekend. I have to work......can't go till Monday and they are calling for RAIN. Totals for 2011, 2 trips, 8 hours, 2 bites, 2 walleyes, PRICELESS.....
Will let u know tonite with a report, going down today, putting in at river run going up first, then back down to Barker Paco
Looking at Fozzype's picture, it is simply amazing what a 2 pounder can look like if your arms are long enough!!!!!
Went to Forsyth, 3/1/11, Put in at River Run Ramp and went down, Got on the water about 1100 hours, Water Temp 46.2, good current, (Table Rock was running 4 generators). Third cast my Buddy caught a 5-12 walleye on a white grub. 4 hours later we got our second bite!! I caught a 3-0 walleye on a hair jig. Tried slow trolling Rouges, worms on bottom bouncers, grubs and hair. Fishing was FANTASTIC, The Day was BEAUTIFUL, Water Color was GREAT, however..... the catching was a little slow. 2 bites-2 walleyes, Fished down to the hole below Barker, small bluffs on right below the big fields. The main current died down about 3:00 pm, water got to 46.8
When to K-Dock 2/14/11, got on water about 2 PM, air temp 58, water temp 39, went down and fished notch across Barn Hollow (West Facing bank),water warmed up to 40.8, fished 200 yards above and below notch, trolled grubs and rouges from 14 feet to 32 feet, had One 15 LM to boat off rouge, had 1 hit on grub. saw parts of Bull I haven't seen in several years (several good crappie beds). Now would be a good time for a guy to get out with GPS, Lake Map, and a Camera.
My Little Brother has one, he might be able to help, email him Tax Man page 3 of Members of "T" Paco
Plan on going to Stockton this weekend, wanting to catch some walleyes, any suggestion???? Where and what colors work best??
You might want to try "Lucky E Strike" in the pearl and southern lights in the 2 inch, excellent!!!! for whites, crappie and walleyes using with either the 1/8 or 1/4 oz. jig heads. Also Charlie Brewers "Sliders' in the 3 inch. Paco
3/19/10 1st boat in at beaver, fished for wallys at mouth of creek, nothing went up cedar, threw warts, nothing went to mouth of creek,3 other boats there, saw a few small whites being caught ever now and then, no wind, sun coming up. beautiful... Finally found some nice whites(8)in the Power Line area. Had 1 that nearly went 4lbs on the old scales. Fish were coming out of 30 ft channel up to 15-17 on the flat. 1/4 jig head with white swimm'n minnow. Wind came up, lost the fish, couldn't find them on the sonar. Quit fish'n about 12:30 Paco
My brother and I got to K-dock about noon Monday, went to Snap, caught 3 LM, 2 on brown wort, 1 on shaky head. Went up to Cedar, extremely crowded, went up to bank below Johnson Bluff, 1 15 inch Kentucky on wort. Went back to Cedar, fished up in Cedar....NOTHING. Saw boat at mouth of Creek catching fish (Whites). Eased down to mouth, saw fish on sonar, caught 16 good white 1 to 1 1/2 lbs sows this was about 5 pm. Just like Bill Bagler stated in his article about catching whites on the Rock. You could see the fish explode off the bottom when you caught one. Paco
Fished the Pot Hole Sat.& Sun nights, 9:00pm to 8:00am on Sat. 9:30pm to 2:30 am on Sunday. My Brother and I had 6 walleyes (3 keepers, big was 5 3/4 lbs)on Saturday, had 4 walleyes (2 keepers, big was 5 even)on Sunday. 3 fish caught on 1/4 oz. bucktail gray jigs, 1 on Table Rock Shad Rogue, 6 on pearl grub. The 2 big fish were females, eggs still firm and not bloody, the 3 males were not milting yet. I think that due to weather that season is 7-10 days late. Have a good friend that talked to biologist last week, Biologist stated that they would be shocking this Thursday night at Forsyth, In the past I have talked to the Biologists there at the ramp at River-Run, he stated that they have a quota to try to get. They try to get a certain number of 28 inch plus females to milk, plus 4-5 large males for each female. This could take 2-3 nights depending on the spawn. Word of caution...Beware of the 12-14 foot whirl-pool that's about 2 feet deep at the end of the center wall on the generation side when they stop generating. This happened Saturday night at about 4:00am, this is the 3rd time I have witnessed this. This creates quite the pucker factor, especially when you are anchored or just fishing at the end on said wall. This could sink a small boat, IF... you have a weak trolling motor or your motor does not start on the first crank. This whirl-pool only lasts about 10-12 seconds, but seems a lot longer if you happen to be right there. Paco