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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ruthead

  1. Kim didn't forget how to relate to modern players in the last 2 years. Possibly these players aren't the type of personalities Kim relates to best. Let him get his kind of kids in there and then we'll see how he relates. He has a good history of getting kids to play hard for him, while not at this level I still think he can do it. It just takes time and the right kids. What a BEAUTIFUL morning after for K-State. Congrats and THANKS for beating the all high and mighty jayhawks. EXCELLENT!!!!! M.I.Z....
  2. Good looking fly. Thinl I'll have to tie some up for my trip to Canada this summer. EH?
  3. BEAUTIFUL work there !!!!!
  4. Lookin forward to throwin some for those flys from the fly swap but not sure my 8 wt Fenwick or my shoulder would last very long .
  5. couldn't find it on there. Must be gone. Thanks for tryin.
  6. Lookin for a 9 ft 9 or 10 wt fly rod to use in Canada musky fishin and on the White streamer fishin. Needs to be in the $100.00 range.
  7. Shoulder won't last all day so will spit it up. Pike and smallies are also on the list. Will be in the Nester Falls area.
  8. Takin a trip to Lake of the Woods in Canada last week of June. Not a fly fishin trip but will talk Dad into lettin me fly for some musky and have never done it. Any tips on the area or how to's on musky fishin? Will be staying at Lecuyer's Lodge at Nester Falls.
  9. Am I missing something here? Surprised to see no replies to this topic. Lots of angles and things to consider on this but sure hate to see legislators get involved.
  10. Can't make it down but sure would b nice. Enjoy and good luck.
  11. Yes, that'll be a trip that starts "remember back in '15 when" . Very nice!
  12. OH MY!!!! That's a PIG!! Congrats!
  13. Got mine and all looked great. Now just gotta wait till thaw. Thanks everyone. Mine was the pink tail.
  14. Kudos to you. Like you said those memories will last a lifetime. I took my boys and we talk about it quite often.
  15. Called "Who" about it ?? Seems to be a lot of " I thought", " I heard", "I think", "used to be" etc on this subject.
  16. Goin somewhere this weekend and curious as to what the generation pattern has been like on Taney? Or is there a pattern. Will be wadeing so need to make a good decision for 8 hours of driving down and back for a one day fish.
  17. Any body use the HMG hot glue system? Thinking about venturing down that road.
  18. Progress. Told my wife at half this felt like another one of those games we don't quite win. I was wrong and hopefully we have taken another step towards getting back to a top 25 team. Still a ways to go but progress looks good. Kim's doin a fine job!!
  19. Nice fish. Looks fun!
  20. We were down there for a couple of days after Thanksgiving but now I'm not sure if we were in legal water or not after all the questions raised here.
  21. ruthead

    Go Tigers!

    Good job Tigers. Typical win. Sign of good coaching and good athletes when you can consistently make the necessary adjustment and pull ahead or pull away in the second half. Congrats Tigers on another very good year!
  22. ruthead

    Go Tigers!

    Lookin pretty bad so far. Kinda typical though. Hang around and win it in the 2nd half.
  23. Gant looks as promising in his first few games as any freshman I can remember in 40 years at MU.
  24. Watched this game as well as most all televised so far this year. I think where they are is totally acceptable. Not where I'd like but have shown improvement every game. Sorry but I took a lot of comfort in the three point loss. Didn't think we would be able to hang with IL. IL didn't appear that good but we hung with them, got ahead of them, and didn't let them pull away and could of won it at the end. We should of won that game but inexperience showed its face and we didn't. I hate to lose but it looks to me like the boys are starting to buy into Kim's program and we are looking better.
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