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Everything posted by Coldspring
Too bad about the cattle. Most of the river between Thomasville and Cane Bluff runs through the 14,000 acre Eleven Point Ranch, which is owned by the descendents of a Chicago businessman. They do cattle, logging, and hunting leases on the ranch. You might had better be glad they don't have to divide the ranch up, or there would be a bunch of cabins jutting up against the Scenic Easement. I'm not sure what kind of agreement they have with the government for their cattle operations, but I would bet it is a long standing one. Between Riverton and the Narrows is the old 13,000 acre Pigman Ranch. It was on the market for a long time and there were no buyers...it would have been a bargain for a wealthy person from a city, but no buyers were found. It is now being divided up more and more. Sure wish I could hit that powerball and keep some of the Eleven Point ranches together. In fact there was a lottery winner bought an 1,800 acre parcel just south of the Narrows, years ago, so that's more land held together.
I saw a hefty guy on the Buffalo last year in a red Solo 13, and it sure reminded me of your profile picture. It was not a pretty picture and I sure bet the bottom of his boat looked rough, I can't see how he kept the thing afloat, because the gunwales were barely above water level. He really needed an Odyssey 15.
Orvis-Orvis Rig Vs Sage-Ross Rig
Coldspring replied to cyclonebass's topic in General Flyfishing Topics
How about doing a Montrose, Colorado theme and getting a Scott Rod / Ross Reel combo? -
I'm tired of all the islander style drinking country songs. They all sound the same. Seems like there's more of them than there are Christmas songs!
Mdc To Restore Elk In Carter, Shannon & Reynolds Counties
Coldspring replied to skeeter's topic in Conservation Issues
Peck Ranch is a pretty interesting place. It's neat to watch the ecological restoration over the years, they are converting much of it to savannah and some glades. The 200+ mile Ozark Trail hiking trail goes right through the middle of Peck, and they close it during some hunting seasons. I'm always worried that one of the MDC biologists will go on a bent and close the trail off for good, and I sure don't want to have to help build 15 miles of new trail just to get around Peck. Seems like it would be a fine place for Elk to live, just hope there aren't more closures over them. -
Billmore Community Fish Fry Let us go back in time to the late 1920s and early to mid 1930s. Let us take a trip along the dirt roads or wagon trails through the southeastern part of Oregon County. The dirt road is now known as Highway 142. Along the way, you would find a dotting of mail boxes with such names as Caldwell, Wheeler, Easley, Blankenship, Cypert, Underwood, Thomason, Norton, Jenkins, Brewer, Melton, Sullivan, Worley, Bryan, Williams, McGinis, Adams, Landis, Gravel, Netherland, Roberts, Young, and probably others I do not remember. Very few, if any of these people still live in the area. In the midst of all these wonderful people was a small store and blacksmith shop known as Billmore. The Blankenships owned the store and blacksmith shop, which was a gathering place on a Saturday afternoon for many people in the community, a place to shop and exchange news of happenings and events of the week just past. A quiet, serene community where almost everyone was related, either by blood or marriage. A very close-kit community with friendly people having so many ways you had to like some of them. You will find in this area: tall trees, green grass, a few rail fences, large springs and rivers so clear you can see a pin on the bottom at great depths. If you were visiting there from some distance (it didn’t have to be very far away), the whole community would throw a big bash for you that became known as the Billmore Community Fish Fry. The community owned a large seine or net, with weights on the bottom and floats on the top which would reach across the widest area of Eleven Points River. The river, about one mile east of Billmore, flows through the Andy Caldwell homestead. The campground was about one fourth mile south of the Highway 142 bridge that crosses the river. The campground, where the fish fry was held, was a beautiful location: a flat area with tall shade trees, wild flowers, and a spring of good water. A small stream flowing along side a wagon road gave entrance to the campground. This stream provided a play area for small children or a drinking area for unwanted guests who might appear on the scene. On the day of the fish fry, usually about 9:30 in the morning, several men and a few grown boys gathered near the campground. These twelve or fourteen people checked the net for repairs, or checked the long poles attached at each end of the net for strength and durability, and, of course, they checked the long rope attached to the pole at each end of the net. The rope was important because four or five good swimmers holding the rope would cross the river at a likely spot. When they reached the other side, the ones on the opposite side would feed the net into the water as the first group pulled the net across the river. One strong man held the pole attached to the rope being pulled across the river. In most instances, the water was swift, so strong people were required to work fast in order to keep the poles and ropes, now on each side of the river, ahead of the center part of the net. Usually, two good swimmers followed the center section of the net to unloose it if it should get caught on a snag or rock, as it often did. A lot of planning was required before launching the net into the river. Relatively deep water was required, because it was not so swift in the deep areas, and that was where the big ones were. Yet, shallow water and a relatively flat area was required in order for the men to pull the net to land, hopefully landing a nice catch. If lucky, we would have a few red horse, large yellow or blue suckers, maybe a jack salmon or two, a few channel cat, sometimes an eel, and, of course, a few turtles and crawdads. Then we would move on, either up river or down river, for the next drag, which was the distance from where the net was launched to where it was pulled to dry land to unload the fish. The number of drags depended on the number of people attending the fish fry and the number of fish caught in the drags. We wanted never to waste the fish by taking more than we needed we wanted to save some for another time. As fish were caught, they were rushed to the camp site by a runner where the fish were cleaned and prepared for cooking by some of the busy ladies in camp. The runner would rush back to the river for another catch. Most of the fishing was done within a mile of the campsite. It was interesting and exciting to watch or be part of the fish drag party as they moved to the next area of launch. The net was about 150 feet long; it was carried Indian style. By that, I mean one person followed another about ten or twelve feet apart, depending on the number of people doing the fishing. From one drag to the next, the men would move along the river bank looking for a good place to launch. Many of us were barefoot; I can still remember the sharp rocks, thorns, and other obstacles to slow us down. Some of the drag areas I remember are as follows: upstream there was the Blue Spring Branch, a small river starting from a large spring at the base of the Narrows. This small stream emptied in to the Eleven Points River less than one-half mile from where it started. The area was usually productive, but the water was extremely cold, so we didn’t tarry in that area very long. The next area down stream was just below the island where the drag was made. This drag finished on the east side of the river where the bridge now crosses the river on Highway 142. Moving down the river you come to the high bank where the river makes a bend just below the mouth of a small stream that runs along the camp site. The high bank near the camp site was a gathering place for swimmers and after-dinner visiting for the older set. The high bank area of the river was another good fishing place. It was treacherous for launching the seine or net because getting down the high bank to the river was a problem. The water was deep and very swift. The current could easily wash or carry the center part of the seine down river faster than the pole holder and rope puller could move with it. However, if we worked fast and were lucky, the drag was very productive. It’s interesting that a drag was never more than 100 to 150 yards in length, and often much shorter. If, by chance, we didn’t have a sufficient number of fish by this time, we moved on down river past the long swift rapids to a place called the Elgan Hole, which was another good productive area. I’m sure this area was named for one of the sons of Andy Caldwell. Often during the fishing period, someone would come along the river bank with a desire to join the party without helping or getting wet. Well! That was a mistake! Someone in the fishing party would usually hold out a hand to the person on the bank for assistance in climbing up the embankment. This act was pretty well pre-planned, so we had the largest and strongest person in the party to extend his hand. Suddenly, after the two had joined hands, the person on the bank came flying though the air into the water for a good ducking. If the person took this action in good humor, we made him a member of the Perch Club and invited him to dine with us. If he took issue with the action, he was ducked again; he was not invited to dine with us and was often left in the river. No! We didn’t drown him, but he was left wet and in shame. Of course, this was not the only place in which people were ducked. As years passed, I remember that roads improved, more automobiles became available, and more game wardens were prevalent. One day, a runner came to the river to inform us that two game wardens were at the camp, waiting to arrest everyone for illegal fishing. Illegal? Now, we didn’t know our fishing was illegal? I had never heard of a game warden. Since we already had caught all of the fish we needed, we stashed the seine and went into camp. We found everything in good shape and saw two strange people that we learned later were the game wardens. With aprons on, there were helping the ladies fry the fish. According to reports we received later, the game wardens had come into camp with a very bad, obnoxious attitude. The ladies were very hospitable and invited them to have dinner with us. The game wardens refused and stated that their purpose was to arrest everyone in camp. So a few of the larger, stronger ladies picked up the game wardens and bodily tossed them into the deepest area of the small creek that flowed by the camp. When the wardens climbed up the bank, the ladies, with hands on their hips, again invited the game wardens to break bread with us. The wardens refused and stated their business. Well, again the ladies put the wardens in the water. This time, I was told, they literally put them under and held them under until bubbles began to appear. When the game wardens came out from under the water this time, they gladly accepted the invitation and offered their help. It was a wonderful spread, as they always were, with fish cooked in a large wash pot over an open fire, boiled coffee, cornbread, pies, cakes, and all the trimming that were prepared by ladies before they came to the camp. By the way, we were never bothered with those game wardens again. Of course, there was only one small wagon road that came into camp. If a wagon or two were turned crossways in the road, the progress of anyone traveling by automobile (as the game wardens did) was impeded. Those were wonderful days in my memory of southeastern Oregon County. I’m sure that those from the Billmore area who are still living remember the Billmore Community Fish Fry. I do. (Golden Wheeler)
I quit believing in magical powers a while back and don't wish to discuss that topic in much depth, but do you really believe in Fishing Almanacs? Obviously, the lunar cycle, seasons, weather, water temps, water characteristics, are real and have an effect, but do you think certain "signs" really have an influence on fish behavior? Maybe I just need something to blame my lack of fish catching on.
Always makes me feel better to see that those who actually know what they're doing can't catch a dang thing either!
Haven't been to a Branson show in a long time, but the only one I've seen more than once. Wonder what I ever did with my old toy cow patti disk from the gift shop? Hilarious post all around, right on the money!
Just keep your expectations low for food in Eminence, Winona, or Alton. I usually enjoy Flossie's in Winona though, but I'm not too heard to please.
Heck, a lot of the old jazz songs from the 30s were about reefer. In fact, the influence of that is what caused the flow and beats for all that satanic vooddo music. Every redneck boy I know in the country runs around in their pickup blasting Tech 9, Three Six Mafia, Insane Clown Possee, or whatever other other the latest horrorcore or crunk hiphop music is, but if they ran into those guys down at the creek they'd probably have bad things to say about them. Those old jazz players didn't have good teeth either, no bigscreens and videos back then, now the rappers just get gold teeth and grills. I just can't tolerate the music of these kids, I need something soothing that RELAXES me! I've got enough stress and headaches! Getting to be an old codger already...when did society peak and start devolving?
What is COUNTRY MUSIC? I'll admit I'm not very knowledgeable about the St. Louis, Kansas City, or Memphis rap styles and scenes. There's really no way to determine what music is good or not, just what you like, what has a catchy hook to get reel you in. Watch Hustle and Flow about the Memphis rap scene sometime, good movie whether you like the subject matter or not. I personally think Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington are a WHOLE LOT better than most 60s and 70s stuff, although I sure do like Sly and the Family Stone, George Clinton, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, etc... Oh, heck you're probably right, music was better back in that era.
It's been a few years since Nelly's prime. Perhaps he wants to test the area as a possibility for building his own theater.
Would anyone be interested in adopting this guy's PET COBRA? I guess it needs a new home full of love. http://www.ky3.com/news/local/Texas-County-man-nearly-dies-from-snake-bite-97994384.html
I was wading a small spring branch once. Not paying attention, I hear a hiss and look down to see a cottonmouth between my legs. I somehow managed to just keep walking, instead of being "startled". It was all so fast, but I didn't freeze up with goosebumps and my hair standing straight up until I was well away from the snake. Yes, the snake was looking back at me and I could see its fangs!
Plenty of cottonmouths on Spring River (AR) and Eleven Point.
USGS shows only 53 cfs at Buck Hollow. What's the lower limit of floatability from that point?
The boat looks like it's been loaded down a few times on a swift river. Tempting. Have a pic of the topside and gunwales?
I do agree with that. Not necessarily strong swimmers either, but some people aren't really strong about anything. Just a risk they have to take if they want to go out alone. Isn't it a law that kids have to wear a life jacket in their vessel? I'm not sure what that means anyway, they did prohibit them from jumping off rocks and diving on the Jack's Fork, but that hasn't stopped them from doing so.
Dude, I already said I only canoe in the summer and if the water's not high I don't wear a life jacket. If I'm on the Buffalo in late June and see someone portaging their canoe or kayak between billabongs while wearing a lifejacket and helmet I'm going to laugh my arse off! Now, when they slip on some of the extra slippery sewage fertilized rocks and fall on their head I suppose the helmet might come in handy.
What about Chota, Cloudveil, Frogg Togg, or Rivendell waders?
I'm not macho, not a good swimmer, and don't think it won't happen to me, but I'm not wearing one in a canoe. Sorry, can't stand them. Now, before you go thinking I'm stupid, I only canoe in the summer and not in high waters. It depends on the individual and situation. If a situation was to arise where I felt uncomfortable, yes, I would wear my PFD. I do get a kick out of seeing people wearing there PFDs on a river that's 20 feet wide and a foot deep, see it all the time. I'm actually more scared of drugged-out, drunken river trash than I am of having an accident. Also get scared of certain river patrols, even more than the river trash. I don't have any interest in whitewater kayaking. If I have to wear a helmet to do something, I won't do it. This probably has something to do with the reason I don't ride motorcycles or rock climb. My body is too fragile and mortal to find enjoyment in such things. I also go backpacking w/o telling anyone where I'm going and don't take a cellphone. How did people ever survive w/o cellphones? Figure there's more chance of me getting attacked by a wild razorback hog than anything. Just do what makes you feel comfortable. I don't really feel comfortable driving down the highway, but I'm numb to it.
Okay, will look for the pictures. Maybe it would give me an excuse to finally come up that way and float the Meremac and Courtois.
Happen to have any pics of the bottom? Does it have seats, yokes, and thwarts?
Tried to watch some of it, too slow paced for me. I think Americans like sports that have scoring once in a while. Hope it catches on more,,,if it will keep more people glued to the TV (along with their baseball, football, basketball, hockey, nascar, etc..) instead of fishing.