I had some stuff planned that was going to keep me off the water, but that fell thru. I had not planned to fish at all. I helped the wife around the house for a while, but the BassCat was calling my name. I finally got to the water around noon. What beautiful weather for this time of year. It was sunny with light and variable winds. It was still in the 40's when I launched, but just fantastic. Made me wish I had been there at daylight.
Water was pretty clear. Water temp was 56 degrees when I launched and the water got up over 57 before the day was done.
The fish made me wish I had gotten there at daylight as well. I caught em as soon as I got there and pretty consistently until I quit at 5:00. I caught a fish on my next to last cast. I wanted to catch some crappie, and I did. I would have caught more except my lack of fully funtional electronics. I'll spare you the details, but I'm stuck with what I have for the foreseeable future. Just know, that I am seriously jealous of all the people with good depthfinders/ GPS units. The smallies also got in the way. A bunch. BSL is just flat loaded with smallies right now. I have a hard time leaving them alone when I know I can ease over there a little ways and catch them basically at will in 15-30 foot of water.
I got enough crappie for a meal. I wanted to catch a few more and ran to a few spots trying to do that, but I really only found them in one location. I did however find smallies every where I went.