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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I caught 10 trout in one day with lampreys attached. In the fall, I'll usually catch multiple trout with lamprey attached.
  2. I keep hoping to join you on the Current Bret. One of these days I hope.
  3. Looks like multiple scars from lamprey. It's a little early, but I am starting to catch trout with lamprey attached.
  4. I remember (I think) a movie called "Them" that was giant ants. It was good too, but older. Kinda dopey now, but I loved it as a kid.
  5. "They Live" was great too.
  6. Do you know what happens when you swing a Size 18 Gold Ribbed Har's Ear thru a riffle on an Ozark Creek? Not much. Not much at all.
  7. There is a Huge difference between having strong opinions and being willing to defend those opinions and being a troll. I've never seen anything from Champ that I thought was being a troll.
  8. Hell Comes to Frog town. A Classic movie!
  9. Click on your name and you'll get a drop down box. I think there are 7 items are in that box. Look at the lower right "manage ignore prefs". You'll be glad you did. Don't feed the trolls.
  10. There is a reason I update my ignore list from time to time.
  11. Palomar and fluro dont play well together. My buddy johnny uses some bat guano crazy thing that uses a bunch of line to tie, but he's happy with it. I'm happy with my knot that seems close to San Diego Jam.
  12. I'm sure that's the one. I need to watch a video and then get some 4 lb test and practice.
  13. I've been thinking about fishing knots that I use when fishing and I am wondering if there are others I should try. I currently use a no name cinch knot variation, Alberto to join Nanofil to leader, uni to uni to join nano to nano, a simple loop knot for jigs that I swim back, surgeons knot for fly fishing apps, surgeons loop for simple natural bait rigs, and still use a few palomars from time to time. I've been meanng to look at The Wotton knot.
  14. That's probably the BEST way to fish. I like catching all kinds of fish using all kinds of hook and line methods. Lately, I've been needing to scratch the flyrod itch more.
  15. My apologies if I cam across as second guessing you. I'm not saying you did anything wrong at all. I would have been upset over the gunshot and angry, but not argumentative with the shooter. I just would have been strongly motivated to call the law ASAP AFTERWARDS.
  16. He would only need to sell about 570,000 of them, but he's made a good start towards that.
  17. Did you buy any shrimp? And did you fish behind the boat when they were processing their catch?
  18. Did the individual that left the note have the courage of his convictions to sign his name to the note on your truck? I would have most definitely called the authorities. I think I would have done so from my truck at my entry point IF I had cell service. I would not have been there if I thought I was tresspassing and I would not have let his accusations of trespassing keep me from calling the law.
  19. Maybe Super Dave will see this and pony up. Pretty boat.
  20. I caught fish in the Red River in Louisiana in 1 foot of water when surface temps were > 95 degrees and caught a bunch of them, but I can't catch fish in Bull Shoals is > 80 degrees.
  21. All you can do is treat the fish you catch as gently as you can and hope they make it. Some fish survive the worst possible stuff, but most would not. Catch and release WORKS and our fishing is more entertaining for it. Selective harvest works too.
  22. The only jet boats I've seen on the Buffalo River were NPS or AGFC and the horsepower rules don't apply to them.
  23. Ham


    Sure, I love hearing a trip report from a friend in a private conversation. I don't do trip reports on creeks and rivers anymore with the exceptions of the White and the Buffalo, but are big rivers that already are heavily utilized. I won't name a creek or river in a trip report other than those. If a shuttle provider needs my trip reports to feed his family, he really needs to look into a different line of work. I don't fish the Kings river anymore because of the decline in the quality of the fishery and the overall experience due to in my opinion to excessive pressure. I don't expect things to improve anytime soon. More and more people are buying yaks and floating. I just prefer the way it was 10 years ago. The James River is another River that while still productive is a shadow of its former self. Largely due to increased pressure.
  24. I spoke to Baxter County Sheriff Jihn Montgomery about this last night. John is about as nice a gentleman as I have ever met and he spoke highly of Sheriff Vickers. I never met Sheriff Vickers, but if John says he is one of the good ones, that's good enough for me.
  25. Oddly enough, I caught a Longeared SUnfish that had a not completely healed injury like that out of a creek. That fish seemed healthy enough and it seemed obvious to me that it was a heron strike. No pics so I guess it didn't happen.
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