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Everything posted by Ham

  1. IN the absence of offical signage, I would treat it as normal water. I would appreciate someone being polite about telling me it was NO WAKE and all, but without signage, I'd be runing on plane when I needed to do so.
  2. I enjoy catching big fish, BUT I'd rather catch 100's of fish and have a few of them be large than catch a few large fish and nothing else. If you want to fish GIANT lures and reduce your bites to just over sized fish, by all means have at it. That's not me. I want to catch a lot of fish and I want to catch a bunch of them every time I go out.
  3. AT TIMES, I absolutely will throw the Ned up there and have it swing on semi slack line so that i can feel the bite. I'm all about that thump. Many, many times though I throw the Ned out and let it fall on completely slack line. I watch the Nano as it falls. I'm watching for a tick or a directional change or for it to stop falling early. If I get a clue from the line, I will take up some slack and set the hook.Sweep set. Much of the time though I believe the fish see the bait fall down thru the water column and ease over and pick it up. I lift up and a fish has it. No need to rush, take up a little slack and sweep set. Fish on. I play around with it. I vary depth, retrieve style, and color through out the day. i try to repeat what I get bit doing.
  4. Barramundi look like a hoot Al. Not interested in fishing for them? The big ones eat baby crocs. C'mon man!
  5. I'll never wear a flat bill cap. I'd wear a 10 gallon hat first.
  6. I was fortunate enough to visit the UK in 1982. I tried to visit with some guys that were fishing and some guys at a Tackle Shop. The people I tried to talk to were without exception some of the least friendly people I have ever tried to talk to. I appreciate what we have here. It isn't perfect, but it is a blessing to be sure.
  7. If you have to know the secret handshake to be told that it is No Wake, then I'm not surprised that people don't treat it like No Wake water. Regardless of the No Wake status, people should exercise common sense, slow down when you need to do so for whatever reason. However, if you try to play checkers on the interstate, don't be surprised when an 18 wheeler runs over your checkerboard. Ie you some sense where you try to stop and fish.
  8. Ok, so he's being paid to vacation at TR. Not a bad way to make a living.
  9. I'm not hip enough for the after the show show
  10. I'll hide and watch on the Varys deal. I don't have a good feel on that deal. My wife is center hung on the switching of the scene away from Brutus chopping Strannis's head off. She thinks that because they did not show it that Stannis may somehow still be alive. I don't think so.
  11. The show lost major eye candy with Margery in the church klink. I wish that would change. Are we done with the Ironborn? Now that Stannis has faced the chop, chop. Will they be a gathering dragon glass at Dragonstone? Is the Onion Knight a free agent now?
  12. Lol, Cersei didn't learn squat. She still lied about the incest deal. If RoboClegan goes Sparrow hunting, I guess it might not matter. Tommen needs to hire a food taster ASAP. He also needs to get his queen out of the brig. His BIL might be in some trouble though. I feel like the Sand Snakes are gonna be orphans sooner rather than later.
  13. The thing that drives me crazy is that so many of the guides have nets that are once step above using brabed wire for the nettiong materials. It would be in their own interest to be as protective of the resource as possible and that includes the waterway and boat launches. I fish my jigs barbless the VAST majority of the time. O f course, I'm 100% barbless in C&R areas and I would say 100% anywhere on the river, but sometimes I forget to mash them before I cast. When I struggle to easiy release a fish, I wise up.
  14. Heck of a deal for the right person. Good Luck.
  15. I dont see it hurting his books sales at all. The people reading the books STILL will want the books to be released. Maybe if we are really freaking lucky, we will get Book 6 out of the deal. Queen Bitchy Face got her appetizer with the Walk of Shame, but it will be interesting seeing the fall out from th epoisoning but on it impact on Cersei and conflict between Dorne and Westeros.
  16. It was Payback Sunday! Brutus of Tarth gets a little payback. Arya Stark gets a little payback. Reek gets a little payback. Ollie got a little payback. Jamie is starting to be the male counterpart to Sansa. Ole Jonny Boy looks deceased. My wife was bumming (Lol). I feel like GRRM will jump start him next season, but who knows. I disagree that its been overly predictable ESPECIALLY considering that MOST viewers have NOT read the books. I hate the HBO trend of ending a season with a BIG cliffhanger. That's so predictable and annoying.
  17. I'm glad you had a good trip. Those look like some lovely fish. I appreciate that you have a very good net that is gentle on the fish. IF you are gonna catch and release, for goodness sakes get a net that doesn't beat the fish up. We spend all this money on fishing gear, I would think we could spend a little more on a ne that is not likely to injure the fish.
  18. The MDC report is interesting to read and fun to think about. The science part isnt easy, It isn't cheap, and it isn't perfect. The research seems to pose to me more questions than it answered. Here's the deal though. Likely, most fishermen don't look at fishing the way we do or at the very least the way I do. I would not keep a smallmouth to eat if I was starving to death. I just wouldn't. I'd catch panfish or crawfish or suckers or catfish. Smallmouth are just too much fun to be caught once. I go fishing to enjoy myself and relxa. I am not on the creeks lookng for food. Some (lots?) people are. So, the MDC is always going to have to manage for different user groups with different desires. I'm pretty confident they can look at the data and make some concrete changes for beter fish management IF what was best to have more and grow bigger smallmouth was the only concern, but sadly, it isn't the only concern. Before we need new regulaions, we need more agents to enforce them. We need more people to read and be aware of them. And we need more people willing to follow the regs because its the right thing to do and NOT because they are afraid of a ticket.
  19. What a dream trip that would be. Floating with Terrierman and Griz.
  20. Ham

    Aunts Creek

    Ahhhh Griz. You gotta do what you gotta do for family. I pray you have another 30 years of seeing him perform where ever that is. I hear Chicago is a great place. That must be why everyone for Chicago has such a positive attitude about everything.
  21. Color me confused, but if you want pics PM me your phone number and I can text you lots and lots of fish pics. Not as nice as you pics and vids maybe. I lost access to my PhotoBucket acct when I did a OS upgrade on my phone. Attempts to regain access have been fruitless so far. This will be dramatically limiting my photo posting.
  22. A dark colored hair jig 1/48 oz made using a #10 hook and kip tail tipped with a Berkley Power Wiggler is pretty hard to beat.
  23. Ham

    Aunts Creek

    I'll NEVER launch my BassCat into TR. I may from time to time stowaway on someone else's boat on TR, but I'm kinda a Bull Shoals guy.
  24. I hate the PWC. It seems that most on them can not enjoy themselves unless they are all up in someone else's business with them or operating them unsafely. BUT, a child lost her life and it breaks my heart. She was 14. Someone should have been the adult and helped keep her safe. Someone should hae been the adult and said "No, you are not old enough to legally operate the jet ski", but that did not happen and this accident occured. I don't know how the aunt will live with herself.
  25. Carp and Suckers you say. Where is that creek?
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