The MDC report is interesting to read and fun to think about. The science part isnt easy, It isn't cheap, and it isn't perfect. The research seems to pose to me more questions than it answered.
Here's the deal though. Likely, most fishermen don't look at fishing the way we do or at the very least the way I do. I would not keep a smallmouth to eat if I was starving to death. I just wouldn't. I'd catch panfish or crawfish or suckers or catfish. Smallmouth are just too much fun to be caught once. I go fishing to enjoy myself and relxa. I am not on the creeks lookng for food. Some (lots?) people are. So, the MDC is always going to have to manage for different user groups with different desires. I'm pretty confident they can look at the data and make some concrete changes for beter fish management IF what was best to have more and grow bigger smallmouth was the only concern, but sadly, it isn't the only concern.
Before we need new regulaions, we need more agents to enforce them. We need more people to read and be aware of them. And we need more people willing to follow the regs because its the right thing to do and NOT because they are afraid of a ticket.