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Everything posted by Ham

  1. In the past, I would just grind it out with a 1/16 oz jig and catch what I caught. BUT when the other guy is getting bit 4 or 5 times as often as you, you need to make a change.
  2. That doesn't look good on the eval.
  3. Same rods I throw the 1/8 oz and 1/16 oz with. It was NOT ideal. I really like to get the jig as far away from the boat as possible which I wasn't really able to do very easily. I may have to establish a set up with 4 lb P Line CX Premium on days I know I'm likely to throw the 1/32 oz.
  4. Yes, but only because I expected the wind to blow harder and much sooner in the day. IF we had less wind later in the day, we would have caught a lot more. We fish barbless so you lose a certain number of fish from that and just plain miss bites. I'm certain that I missed another 100 bites which flat kills the bass fisherman in me.
  5. I fished with Richard Cross today on minimum flow out of Cotter. There is enough water to get around with a jet. I was tempted, but did not fish below Roundhouse or above the Rainbow Bridge. We fished from 0830 until about 1330. We got lucky and the wind held off until after lunchtime. We only fished Zig Jigs (shocker). We used 1/16 oz and 1/32 oz. I much prefer throwing the 1/16 oz, but at times the trout CLEARLY preferred the 1/32 oz. I'm going to have to buy more jigs. I Only have about 8 x 1/32 oz jigs total. That needs fixing. I freely admit that Richard caught more fish than which is as it should be, but it's hard to have hard feelings about it when I caught 74. I'd guess we boated between 160-175 fish. Lots and lots of good quality fish. Big fun. Of note, we caught ZERO Brown trout. None. We did have 3 suckers. I added a River Redhorse sucker to my list for the year.
  6. I won't throw it on anything but braid.
  7. No. TR gets a lot more pressure and a lot more ppl talk about it. Better PR corps. I do think I catch bigger fish at TR, but a LOT less of them. I like Bull a lot better, but on any given day TR may be better. Norfork has fished better than Bull Shoals several times recently due to water levels etc. Fish them both, they're both good. Bull is better though.
  8. Yeah, I've got crappie poles and FNF poles that I could try to make work or just do some fixed line jig fishing. I'm thinking pretty hard about it though.
  9. I took a quick wade trip to the Norfork @ Quarry Park. I used my 4 wt. ; second fish of the day was a Cutthroat Trout (5). I also caught a Brookie and a few rainbows. I could not get my Brown before they blew the horn signaling generation at least an hour early. Sucks. The Brookie and Cutty were small, but the Rainbows were nice fish.
  10. But I want it for small Ozark streams and not necessarily trout.
  11. It's taken me 50 years to figure out the kind of conventional fishing rods I like. Now, I'm tethering on the brink of an abyss of new nomenclature and rod characteristics. God help me.
  12. I think I rememebr seeing some posts about this here. Who is doing the Tenkara thing? Is it as much fun as you thought it was going to be? What species of fish have you caught on it? Any unmitigated disasters fishing with it? I fully intend to feed my goofy side as much as possible in 2014. The little bit I've looked into it, it seems fun and mighty goofy.
  13. Be careful with that dog Quillback, we all kind of like him.
  14. Coolio, Glad I knew about it.
  15. i only know what my experience is. Your best shot at catching one is soon after stocking within sight of one of the dams. I have personally seen a LARGE Brown repeatedly running thru a group of small Brookies. I'm not sure IF he ate any of them, but he sure was giving it his best effort. I don't know how cost effective the whole deal is. Bows and Browns do a lot better than Cutts and Brookies. Maybe we should try Grayling and Bull Trout.
  16. AT THIS TIME, I really don't want anymore than a "M" spinning rod BUT I apparently can't have enough "L" and "ML" spinning rods. The BassCat is going to have about as many spinning rods as bait casting rods on board which is NOT a trend I saw coming. That's what happens when you fish for everything and you want to throw everything possible at them. Yeah you're right Mitch. an 1/8 oz jig can easily weight a lot more than 1/8 oz. the head weight vary and the extras add up. Heck a 5 inch Senko and a hook throws a ton.
  17. Yes. Search the app store under USACE Little Rock district. It's a free app. Great app for Ozark Trout fishermen. As real time data as the internet link has.
  18. Ham

    Chiefs Vs Indy

    It's just a bummer. The Chiefs might have gone deep IF they had gotten past Indy. They would have had a little time for some of the guys to come back. I don't think Indy is going anywhere, but heck it's the NFL. Anything could happen.
  19. Heck Man, That ain't hard at all. I use a Browning Medallion GT 6' Medium. It'll throw that crap all day long. Put your choice of decent bait caster on it with 10 or 12 lb mono and get after it. Great all around rod for cranks and top water baits. Cajun Angler found this and I copied after him. I have three new ones unused in my rod rack because they are my go to ccreek rod and stuff happens to creek rods. I think they are about $80 now. They used to be dirt cheap. We bought the first generation ones for $30.00. Watch for them to go on sale at BPS during the Spring Classic. Maybe they'll drop them to $60 if you get a little lucky.
  20. http://www.agfc.com/fishing/Documents/Trout/TroutStocking2014.pdf Looking over the projected stocking information a few things jumped out at me. White River below BSL getting 34K Brookies. I've only caught a couple of those little guys in the White itself. MOST of them will quickly be eaten by Brown Trout, but maybe a few will grow up. Norfork is also getting 14K 150K Cutties vs 105K Browns. Despite the fact that more Cutts are stocked than Browns, the average guy chances a whole lot more Browns than Cutts. I believe this is best indicator of how well the Browns do with natural reproduction I really wish Cutts did better in the White. It is possible that insect populations are still building up since the dam was built MAYBE over time the Cutts will do better as we have more winged insects for then to feed on. I hope so anyway. I catch a fair number of small Browns with perfect fins. Makes me smile and makes me want to only fish barbless hooks. Interesting stuff being done over at the Spring River as well. Anything jump out at y'all?
  21. I'm sure that MItch does very well with his setup, but I suspect he is an exception to the rule. The majority (vast majority?) of folks would fish that deal on a ML or M spinning rod for a reason. I'm all about having a casting rod that can throw light baits like 3/16's or 1/5 th oz, but 1/8 oz is in the relm of spinning rods to me. Don't let me stand in your way of buying another rod and reel combo, but it seems like an expensive wild goose chase.
  22. I hope you really enjoy yourself. I love the idea of fishing everywhere. My concerns would be twofold ; 1) It seems like a lot of money for the experience and 2) how successful can you hope to be? I saw a few folks fishing when I was in the United Kingdom. I tried to talk to them about fishing and I was as popular as a known pedophile at an elementary school playground. It was bad.
  23. Ham

    Chiefs Vs Indy

    They were so close so many times, but couldn't get there. I was telling my son how much they needed a Good TE. Bowe is almost that player.He's a BIG WR that maybe isn't the fastest in the league, but he'd be a very fast TE. There aren't a lot of Jimmy Grahams out there, but a top 15 TE would bail Alex Smith out 4 times a game and keep drives alive.
  24. Ham

    Chiefs Vs Indy

    Boy, that was a tough loss to watch. It's hard as fans to understand all the stuff going into the decisions that were made. It is very posible that some of the defensive coaching choices were due to key players getting injured. I know it affected the offense. Davis really manned up UNTIL he got hurt too. That's good to see going into next year. The Chiefs had a lot of good stuff happen despite J.Charles getting hurt AND I get that injuries are part of the game, but sooo many injuries all in one game is hard thing to overcome in a one game do or die. Rest assured that the coaches really wanted to win and did the best they could to make that happen. I'm not so sure about the players caring about the game as much as fans do.
  25. Yesterday wasn't too bad weather wise. I was at work.
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