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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Maybe start your daughter on the a slot sized redfish.
  2. Lol, I’ll quit whining about 12 degrees then
  3. Well Heck Marty, you’re in way better shape today than most of us.
  4. Yours is too!
  5. Big or Small, I like em all.
  6. Here’s a fish pic
  7. 25) Channel catfish. maybe channel kitten would be better
  8. 24) Gafftopsail Catfish our guide has been quite bemused by my desire to catch em all, but he draws the line at micros, Lol. I think these are Super Cool and I was thrilled in case you couldn’t tell.
  9. 23) Hardhead Cat
  10. South of Houma, La. 2/10/21 Mid 70’s
  11. 22) Red Drum after years of my larger frame making fish look smaller than they actually are, a fish turned the tables on me. 45 inch long x 29 inches around calculates out to roughly a 42 pounder. sight fished with a fly. Pulled the boat around. Took me well into the backing. Special Memory made.
  12. I’m always super critical of my fly fishing abilities. I did really good on that one though. I did not Expect to get a black drum on fly.
  13. 21) Black Drum on a fly no less
  14. Plenty of time Dave. It’s gonna be OK
  15. 20) Red Ear Sunfish I’ll catch bigger and prettier, but it’s a start. Second pic better colors. Still small
  16. The First Rule About Fight Club...
  17. No, it’s that spot I thought it was
  18. I know that Spot
  19. Hold that thought for a few more days
  20. That’s crazy that you managed to pull that off.
  21. He’s an inspiration to be sure. I keep adding a few full scientific names to my mental data base as the months roll by. I might know of third of the number John knows and while there is overlap there a few that I know that he likely does not
  22. Walgreens and WalMart are about to start offering the vaccine in my area. They have deep enough pockets to hire extra staff. That should help things roll along better.
  23. Heck John probably knows 100 by their genus/species
  24. I love the concept and the take. I’ve actually had more luck in Rivers.
  25. None that I heard
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