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Everything posted by Ham

  1. You caught a bunch of nice ones. They look a little washed out though. I'd have to buy a bigger cooler and a lot more ice.
  2. I knew I would never be anything close to tour level, but it was so frustrating to hit perfect shots and then a terrible shot. I could never string enough good shots together to even play bogey golf. IF I could have ever gotten to 9-10 over on a regular basis, I could probably been satisfied with that. I'm not a terrible putter, but as my vision started to degrade that got a lot harder. I'm not terrible off the tee, but not always long enough to get a shorter club into the green. Short game was so crazy good or crazy bad. Well, I fish, but I understand those that fish and golf.
  3. Champ, I basically gave up golf years ago when gasoline made the trip to crazy town prices. I could not afford fishing and golf. I was as good as I was going to get playing once a week and the fellas that I was playing with played three to four times a week. They were as crazy about golf as I was about fishing. So I wished them well and kept on fishing.
  4. It's the heat and the extra expensive of a BassCat trip as well as diminishing returns. I can fish less expensively, more comfortably, and more productively out of my trout boat,canoe, and kayak.
  5. I'm not long from being done fishing lakes until October
  6. Hey Mark , I took the easy way out yesterday> i stayed closer to home and went out on the White River. It was kinda slow. I only caught 81, but I did have some BIG trout. No Brown trout, but some brown fish. When I got hot, I pulled the boat over on a sand bar and swam around a bit. It was less expensive and less work. The good news is that the lake appears to have creasted on this deal. The bad news is that it will only fall a few inches a day and we are multiple feet away from a lot of the ramps being workable. I'm sorry I cant tell you first hand the Tucker Hollow is a go. I am off 6/17, but it sounds like that might be too late to help you.
  7. Ham


    Yes Sir! No doubt he did. I didn't notice him say what he used and it was not intended as criticism, but more a comment on the appearence of the water.
  8. First of all, Welcome aboard. Read the material posted here on waters closest to you and spend as much time actually on the water as possible. My first boat cost $500 dollars. It was small and had no TM, no outboard motor, and no seats when I got it. I had to do a lot of rigging, but I caught a ton of fish out of it. So, you don't have to start with a 60K bass boat. You can find a canoe that you can take both kids down the river in for a few hundred dollars and have some amazing tips close to home. Good Luck regardless.
  9. It's laughable that they have a CG dragon, but they have to travel world wide for the realism of the scenic vistas. Lol, I sort of suspect that the production crew likes going to exotic destinations on somebody else's dime.
  10. Ham

    Aunts Creek

    I was waiting for someone to mention that it was a LMB instead of a Spotted Bass and thinking all along that it might be a set up. Goodness Gracious. How did we get here?
  11. Some times I read books and wish the story had gone a different direction and think abiot how it would have been different. The TV show gives us a chance to see another version of a great story, but it is sort of Bud Light instead of a craft beer.
  12. Ham


    I would have thrown a smallis squarebill and a dark colored skirted finesse jig and maybe just maybe a beetle sipn without the spinner.
  13. Any word on Tucker Hollow and /or Pontiac ramps. I am going tomorrow. I would rather do Pontiac, but I am open to ther idea of Tucker Hollow.
  14. Tons of detail in the books, but he left plenty of mystery in there as well. I've enjoyed that not everything is spelled out, but it does also drive me crazy at times. I borrowed the books from the library and I didi not have the leisure of reading slowly or of reading them a second time to iron in all the wrinkles. It sure seemed as I read thru that Ned remembers his promise to dearly departed sister when Jon was an issue. That sort of thing really makes me think Jon is her child, but I like your Dany theory too. I hope Jon bounces back magically rather than becoming cold hands, but meh. Stennis burning up his daughter uses up any sympathy I had for him. He's free to lose his skin to the Boltons for all I care. If Rhaegar was already married with kids, how does he marry Lyanna? Tyrion being from someone else's seed would explain a lot of Tywinn's animosity towards him. Is that hinted at in the companion books? I'm ready for Theon to shake off being Reek a little bit and cos some havoc. Is Brutus of Tarth ever gonna come back into play? It'd be nice if she got to kill Robo-Clegan. She has the skill set.
  15. Ham


    Very nice Banden Sculpin
  16. Very nice.
  17. Jon warging into a dragon would be interesting.
  18. Joffrey was such a moron though. So much crap started because of his stupidity and cruelty, but you've got to have a vehicle for the drama I suppose. It just doesn't make sense to me why Joffrey would want to have Bran killed. I thought thru lots of ideas and None of them really make sense to me, but he was Cerseis kid after all.
  19. I don't know how Jon survives, I just know he has to survive. Just like I never worry about Rick in The Walking Dead. No Rick = No Show.
  20. . Oh Man, Not at all. Like I said, I'm too tender hearted. Not like I'm starving though. If you wanted to do me a favor though, you could turn loose all your keeper smallies.
  21. I'm so tender hearted towards fish that its a wonder that I keep fish at all. I like flatheads too much to kill them. I guess I would kill channels and blues. Walleye get eaten all the time. Crappie get eaten most of the time. I would really rather keep LMB between 12-14 inches. Id rather release all my spotted bass. I will not keep a smallie. Period. Bream are too fishy tasting for me.
  22. Really, he was a moron. I'm surprised he could get that figured out. Why would he want to have Bran killed? Just being cruel, again?
  23. I knew they swapped faces, but it seems unlikely that while homeboy is stuck in the brig in Westeros that no one is minding the temple. There would have to be a bigger crew than that. Yeah, I got no idea who Littlefinger is gonna end up screwing harder than the rest. I also have no idea why Cersei would not have had him killed when he hinted at her humping Jamie. What's your best guess at who sent the assassin to kill Bran while he was in a coma?
  24. Bull may have creasted at 677.51. i'll have to look at the numbers tomorrow morning. I hope , I hope, I hope.
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