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Everything posted by Ham

  1. That's gold right there.
  2. Those sizes are too small for my needs and you got them on sale sooooo you have my blessings. Don't get me started on that Trokar non sense.
  3. THIS!
  4. You're burning Lunker City Texposer hooks for walleye rigs? The Horror.
  5. I did not know that. Thanks for the intell.
  6. Marginal gear definitely reduces your catch. Good on you for helping him learn.
  7. The guage at Tecumseh is worthless. Lake Norfork water levels affect it at times and the Bryant has joined the NFOW by that point.
  8. I think that the 4-6 inch preacher jigs excel for certain situations. Lakes with current sweeping across ledges triggering a bite would be a situation that those jigs would be the go to lure. I'm sure they work here, but lots of stuff works here.
  9. Yep, I saw that too. Mo and Louisiana are both around 35 species. I quit checking after those three states.
  10. The Denali rods may be great. I haven't fished the one bait casting rod I have very much. I have NEVER used on of their spinning rods. I did take a fairly long look at their rods at a shop and the cosmetics were simply not up to par for other rods in their price range. I'd love to fish them and have a proper opinion, but I'm not going to be buying any until they improve.
  11. Trout are catchable 365 on the White, but seem to be a little harder to fool during the summer. for me,100 fish days might be harder to come by. I'll give it a good try. I think 50 fish days should still be pretty routine as long as I fish 5 hours or so.
  12. Great looking boat. I wish I could buy it. Too many other irons in the fire for me right now.
  13. Or you could just leave them alone.
  14. I'm dying to try my little deep spoons for those larger deep bluegill.
  15. I think that should be a great combo.
  16. The devil is in the details. IF I remember correctly, Arkansas has around 37 species of crawfish. I could probably ID 7 or 8 species. IF I looked at a picture of a Rusty Crawfish again, I could pick it out of a police lineup for sure. Nature is pretty complicated with lots of inner relationships between the species. We screw enough stuff up as it is. We don't need to lose our native crawfish to the larger more dominant Rusty Crawfish. It might be enough of a change to reduce smallmouth populations or it might make no difference at all or heck it might even be good for smallmouth BUT it almost certainly would be determintal to our native crawfish and most likely other fauna too. It's been documented to be a problem in other areas. It seems like a reasonable ounce of prevention to me.
  17. I'm not a fan of excessive government regulation, but there are documneted examples of Rusty Crawfish displacing native species in areas after the use of Rusty Crawfish as bait. I'd rather we not lose biodiversity in our creeks/rivers/lakes because we want ceap live bait that's sold everywhere. Lot's of stuff wrong with our government (state, federal, and local), but discussion of every law and regulation does NOT have to go there.
  18. I'm still in the process of knocking the rust off. I was too busy catching bass on the Ned that I let my trout skillz atrophy. I've gotten spoiled by fishing in the fall and cold part of the spring when I have a lot of dumb, fat and happy trout to myself. You see so many less boats and the trout are seeing far less lures. The trout are still dumb, but a lot less dumb than during the "off" season. There is NO bad time of the year to fish the White River, but there are better times for certain "bites". Our crazy winter put the caddis behind and may put the hoppers off a bit too. I'll say it until it's proven otherwise, the trout bite everyday UNLESS the water is muddy. I'll get back in the groove. I need a couple of 100 fish trips.
  19. Of course I do, but I can't. Next few days are mapped out for me. I'll try to shoot you a text as far in advance as I can so we can make our schedules match.
  20. Yeah man. I've been there and saw that. We did a three day float a couple of years ago. We were forced by my work schedule to finish up on a weekend day. We chose to take out at Van Buren. The reckless operators of jet boats weaving inbetween tubes and canoes mage me want to be off that river BADLY. At times I know they cane with 10 feet of the canoe we were in while on plane. I will not be caught on that section of river on a weekend day agaian. I likely won't be on the Current UNLESS the air is too cold for crowds. to be out.
  21. That's what I was wondering on the Current. The Blazers with the 40 HP Merc Jets seemed to be very functional. Plenty of speed to go up and down river. Plenty of size to carry folks. Some were set up well to fish, others maybe not. THEN I would see folks with a boat not much larger with > 100 HP and I just couldn't understand why you would want the extra expense on the front end and on day to day operation.
  22. GM, all you have to do is call. You're so busy with breaking 4 wheelers and then fixing them that I thought that fishing was on the back burner.
  23. How can it be that Hoglaw hasn't had a yak to this point? Unfathomable to me. Shocking. Seriously.
  24. I've seen people operating their boats in a very unsafe manner on the Current River as well. It won't be a shock to me if something really bad happens there.
  25. I really enjoyed fishing with Terrierman again. He's just a lot of fun to be around. He's a very good multispecies fisherman. Very laid back on the water. Very easy to fish with. Catching fish is the reason we're on the water, but it ain't about the most or the biggest. He was there to relax with his wife and we made a couple of pretty relaxed trips.I thought we caught them OK. I really enjoy trips where both guys are catching them pretty equally. I don't want to catch em all and I really don't want to be watching the other guy catch em all. I enjoyed our trip with Richard Cross a lot eventhough the fishing was very difficult. The super low water comnbined witha LOT Of ppl. Made it much tougher than normal. I had the best seat in the boat. I got first crack at them. Richard is just scary good with the jig. I wish they had run the projected amounts of water. My wife wanted to fish on Sunday. She rarely wants to go, but she's very good when she decides to fish. She caught a trout on her first cast of the day and a trout on her first cast with a Zig Jig. We kept four trout and made trout cakes together for supper. They turned out really good which is a bad thing for the trout. I'll be keeping more of them in the future. She's bad about talking smack though. Just terrible. I think she caught more than I did and I couldn't be happerier about it.
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