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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Sorry Justin, but it'll resolve itself soon enough.
  2. For the record, Iussd my yak yesterday during minus flow. It was possible to paddle upstream, but not especially easy. I wet waded extensively up to waist deep without much issue and that was in Tevas rather than a real wading shoe or boot. I fished for about 3 hours ; I caught and released 34 fish. I quick released another dozen or so. But by all means, abandon the White and Norfork Rivers and move to Missouri. Lol
  4. I'll be shocked if a 1748 aluminum is easier to get along on wet rocks than a 20 foot Supreme, but your mileage my vary.
  5. I did really well onscuds this year on Norfork during the EARLY spring. I need to tie up a like a billion of them in tan, gray, and olive. I think I'll stick to sizes 16, 18, and 20.
  6. Those are great boats, but I do wonder why you are choosing the aluminum models over the fiberglass models like Supreme, Shawnee, or Topwater. The aluminum will tend to "grab" the rocks it hangs on instead of slide over. The aluminum with have greater initial durabillity, but it will dent and those are going to be more difficult to deal with than the occassional ding in the fiberglass. I am seeing more and more of the Blazer style boats along the White.
  7. Only two fish? WTH? I'm sure they weren't biting great, but I can't imagine it being that tough.
  8. She's been lovingly maintained. Looks Great!
  9. Doodle socking to me. I've got a 16 ft telescoping fiberglass pole with a short piece of 80 lb Dacron line off the end. Giant swivel tied to that. Attach whatever lure you want to try. Rhythmically tap tip of rod in water while dragging lure around cover. Strikes are sudden and very dramatic. Large fish make for chaos. Can be very effective at times or a fun waste of time.
  10. I'd love for the Chiefs to make a deep run in the playoffs. 9-7 sure would be a breath of fresh air though.
  11. Doodle socking is a hoot! I think I still have a pole rigged for it. I've been thinking about an Ozark smallie doodle socking trip. Of note, the Spin Bait are said to fish best on line < 6 lb. soooo you're gonna fish a $13 bait on 6 pound line. Let me know how that goes. I'm sure it works. I'm sure it will work on TR and BSL. I'm not sure I'm gonna fish it.
  12. No doubt the Col is right. The fish will adjust to this flow and areas will fish differently. Great spots of the past might be crap now, but it has to be better for the fish. The only unintended negative for the fish is that there will be some level of extra fishing pressure that they didn't have before. I think it will still be a positive in the long run.
  13. Wading should be very doable in most of the previous areas with minimum flow. I can wade at Rim witht he 900 ish CFS and I can wade in the 1500 CFS range in the Shipps Ferry area, but it all depends on you abilities and paying attention to the water depth and flow rate where you are attempting to wade. Some areas that are wadable at low water before are not going to be wadable at minimum flow, but a lot of minimal water will now hold fish. I expect it to be a non issue other than the trout will be more fat and happy than before. I plan on using my yak as a water taxi at minimum flow and wading where I can as I go downstream.
  14. Ain't it the truth brother!
  15. Another vote for grass carp. What was it doing hitting a tiny torp. You're a lucky guy.
  16. Do what you're gonna do, but I don't think that is kosher with the COE. I'm sure they would hold fish.
  17. I've been doing that for years. It is a nice tip though.
  18. I can not fully explain to you what an amazing lure the Zig Jig is. I catch trout on it 12 months a year. I've caught them from dead low water to 24,000 CFS. if the trout are there, you can make them bite a Zig Jig. The Zig Jig could literally be the only lure in my trout box. It isn't, but it probably should be. I've caught over 500 trout on it this year alone and thousands of trout over the last four years. You need to give the Zig Jig a good hard try. Buy some 3 packs to find your favorite colors then buy them by the dozen. Take a look at the Ozark Mountain Traditions rod as well. I like it too. I use them both every time out. Some trips I do better with one over the other.
  19. I've got one of Richard Cross's Crossfire Rods. It's labelled UL, but I think it is a Light action rod. It is 6'6", but has a short hadle so you get the rod length of a 7 foot rod. The actual rod length above the handle is the same on my Crossfire as it is on my Ozark Mountain Traditions 7 foot rod. It throws the Zig Jigs really well. I've fished the 1/16 and 1/8 oz jigs on it. I chose to load Power Pro 4/15 line on a US Reel spinning reel to make up the combo I use. The braid enhances strike detection and hook setting ability at a distance. I've caught literally hundreds of trout, smallmouth, and panfish on mine. I take it out EVERY Time on the White and often on my creek trips. It does a lot of things pretty well for me.
  20. Thanks for the report.
  21. I'm generally making the creek/river smallie trip an ALL DAY affair. Monday, I left the house at 0545 and got home at 2115. Fairly typical of my trips. My lure selection changes through out the day and the bite changes through out the day, but I seldom go too long with out a bite. FWIW, you're seldom going to get concensus here.
  22. I've heard that leadcore takes a lot of fun out of catching the fish though.
  23. Little Rock COE has an app for lake/river levels that makes keeping up with the White River a lot easier for me.
  24. I don't KNOW that there will be NO water at the 101 bridge, but I do know that it was BONE freaking dry last year and that I wouldn't want to try to fish areas that go dry. I would try to very wet wade from Kelley's Slab back to Yellville. It's three river miles that holds fish and would require a minimum amount of swimming.
  25. There are areas downstream where I can wade mid river at 1800 CFS, but just barely. I really like the kayak as a water taxi idea.
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