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Everything posted by OutdoorHomey

  1. Wow. This forum is a great place and I appreciate ALL who post. I think the web is all about lurking,trolling or whatever you call it its just the nature of things. Some of us can't get out to wet a line much so it's awesome to be able to look on here and see what is going on. I'll start posting some info too, might not be interesting but if it makes a better forum then great. Maybe I can post my gas used to fish caught ratio or something like that! Happy New Year!
  2. Great info, thank you gentlemen!
  3. WHERE do you think most will fish? Will they start pre-fishing Tuesday?
  4. Seminars would be great, thanks for trying to put it together. Any help learning the lake (TR) as was mentioned earlier, maybe address the seasonal weather patterns and how it affects the fish/fishing. It would also be nice to have some direction on fishing electronics. Looking forward to see if this comes together!
  5. That's unfortunate about some dock owners, I am one and welcome people to fish ours. And if its raining storming or whatever pop into my open slip, I might hit you up for some fishing tips though! In fact, I have met more nice people that way over the years than I can recall!! Some people just need to relax
  6. Is anyone following this process closely? It sounds like they have formulated a plan that might or might not be favorable, depends on how you look at it. For property owners that are able to "mow" to the water it will be much more restrictive in that you will have to leave a "buffer" zone of 50ft from the water. It also reduces the amount of "Low density recreation" (whatever that means). This language comes from their preferred plan of action. There are other alternatives but I'm not familiar with the Corps decision making process and wonder if they are just going to approve this without really looking into the other alternatives. I have read through most of the materials and can't find who makes the final decision. Here is a link to the summary; http://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Portals/50/docs/planningandenvironmental/TRL%20Fact%20Sheet%208-7-2013.pdf
  7. This site is great and thanks to the regulars who post! I don't post much myself because I'm just now learning the sport and feel my knowledge is very limited. We did go up into Flat Creek along with the other 100 boats Sunday and didn't do any good. From the sounds of things we didn't go up far enough, mainly bc we didn't want to fight all the boat traffic. I will say I wish some of those guys running 50mph through all the boats would find that 1ft flat. We threw chart road runners and purple or shad colored swimming minnows. Went up the james after awhile and caught a few short crappie.
  8. Did anyone else get a postcard in the mail about the revision meeting? It doesn't say much but gives dates and places for public meetings starting next week. And does anyone know what a Master Plan revision means? I'm a little gun-shy after hearing all the problems some landowners have had at Lake of the Ozark's.
  9. Pretty clear up to McCord, didn't go any further than that though. Main lake was pretty stained.
  10. I am fairly new to Table Rock fishing and was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on how to fish it? I grew up fishing on Taneycomo for trout and now have a bass boat and want to get familiar with TR. I have read a lot of the post on this site which are great but they are the little over my head. I usually put in at Cape Fair and will go either direction. Thanks and good luck out there!
  11. I was on the James today just above Crane Creek and got nothing. Had a few perch and that was it. Nice day though. Any others?
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