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Everything posted by Smalliebigs

  1. Had the most epic day of fishing for me in fresh water Iโ€™ve ever experienced. 20 + hybrids 20 inches and better. 2 at 25.5 inches and 6 around 23 or 24, it was a blur of Blue, Black and Silver and I was freight trained enough that I actually quit and went home hahaha I must be getting old.
  2. These were all 12 to 13 inches and thrown back before my dad next could get his hands on them hahaha
  3. Thanks man, our point has some wicked nice sunsets. I have been sinking reefs all around my 120 ft of shoreline hahaha and the fish have really been flocking to these spots. I think the fish really like a tree that has just been put in the water better it seems?? I had a net over under our boat house but, tried to flip it like an idiot. I wonโ€™t do that again hahaha
  4. The fishing has been really really good in our lake the last Three weeks. I lost a really nice bass at the sea wall on the first cast. This was the first time I have had one on at my sea wall bigger than 3 1/2 lbs and when I tried to flip it up on to the wall it shook off this MB 110 pretty easily hahaha that was my bad. I did manage 5 solid Crips though and watched an Osprey get robbed in mid flight of a bass by a bald Eagle ๐Ÿฆ… right before sunset ๐Ÿ˜Ž I hope all of you are staying safe and getting out in our beautiful outdoors we have available in Missouri. โœŒ๏ธ
  5. Wow!!! Bret that is really impressive buddy kudos to you.... PB Sauger hahaha yeah I think so, the biggest I have caught 16.5 inches, thatโ€™s unreal
  6. So you were gonna go get in the face of some dude who looked at your wife funny in a gas station in Rolla??? Hahaha yeah thatโ€™s how you stop the spread of this Coronavirus and get your posterior beat down.... que the โ€œworld starโ€ chants from the Hoosier teens as they video the store patrons gang up and beat on the city boy hahaha
  7. Agreed with you 100% other than my wife is a doc who specializes in seniors and she has seen some Covid patients so we have been forced into Two different quarantines and are currently in one again with my daughterโ€™s school here in Kirkwood because some brilliant parent who was exhibiting symptoms went and got tested on Monday of last week and was confirmed positive on Thursday evening. She sent her kid to school Monday thru Thursday like a sharp knife and the district is playing it safe and calling her daughter โ€œpresumed positiveโ€ hahaha what a joke. so now back to the BS โ€œvirtual learningโ€ and Iโ€™m pissed. My wife runs a small hospice clinic and one day a gentleman in there had a fever and for some weird reason the tested him for Covid?? I guess for the safety of the clinicians. Anyway it turned out 4 of the 6 people currently in the hospice clinic came up positive for Covid. To make a very lame story short the patients with Covid all survived their bout with Covid before dying of the stuff they were there for Cancer, Congestive Heart failure, diabetes and all were over the aha of 71. Sorry but, this virus is very unusual and the medical professionals donโ€™t know monkey dodo about it still. I wear my mask where it is mandatory and I always wash my hands a lot, I always have. I quit picking my nose when my wife showed me thatโ€™s pretty much how you will transmit germs oh about 20 years ago. None of us have come down with the virus and I know we have all been around it in our household. Like Jester said Iโ€™m just wanting to see my friends and go fishing. So fing sick of these quarantines but, we will do as we should as being married to a doc I should have known crap like this would happen. Iโ€™m not saying itโ€™s a farce but, Iโ€™m not as naive as some to think numbers arenโ€™t being manipulated to benefit someone. Be safe out there guys and nail one for me because I will be unleashed on 11/07 and I am gonna blow up some rivers hahaha
  8. Agreed 100% if you actually were out chasing these fish on rivers and lakes you would know what Wrench is talking about
  9. No Theadfin in LOZ???? Hahahaha okay wth
  10. Agreed 100% there is no darn way I catch so many little hybrids as I do if they werenโ€™t reproducing. It doesnโ€™t take a fisheries biologist to figure that one out hahaha I catch them from 10 lbs to 1 lb in the same areas every year. There isnโ€™t any stocking going on where Iโ€™m at
  11. Wow!!! I believe that no doubt
  12. You know it.... kinda wild really
  13. darn good pics though ๐Ÿ˜œ
  14. Your right buddy but, you know how these crazy fish are here today gone in 10 minutes hahaha get some ducks and get back out there brother ๐Ÿ™‚ this rain should change things a little and fortify the bass Winter movements but, the Temperates are always here just constantly on the move and constantly intriguing me to where it hurts my brain sometimes ๐Ÿคช
  15. Well Friday I had set out to pursue a BIG Hybrid. I ended up with a trophy Smallie, which was awesome. Saturday I still wanted that Hybrid and moved to a different area nailed a Blue and Silver streak that was 27 inches and 10 lbs and some change. This fish put up a battle for the ages and was exactly what I was looking for ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. Really I kinda suck at getting pics by myself but, I did the best I could. Also I agree about the perennial fish location. I have some right now that are in the same holes every year and they miraculously donโ€™t get taken out..... yet lol
  17. Really??? I thought you sent me pic of some 19 and 20 inch Smallies?? This one was a fun one and she was sent back out swimming on her way ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. Nice man !!! Tennessee River is where itโ€™s at for the BIG Bronze beasts.... very jealous
  19. This is the only other pic I got but, I think it shows how plump she was ๐Ÿ˜œ
  20. Did a very short float this morning and only caught 4 fish. Right at the end of my little cruise I threw a Plopper parallel to a long big log and witnessed one of the best top water explosions I have ever seen and barely hooked this fatty. Sorry by myself and the pics suck but, she was long and fat and I am happy. I hope all you gentlemen and women have been doing good as I havenโ€™t been on here much and keeping a low profile. Stay safe and stay outside โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. Thatโ€™s very cool
  22. Wow!!! Nice rig Mitch!!! congrats
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