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Everything posted by Smalliebigs

  1. Hahahaha yeah saw this and was like…..huh
  2. Yep I have broke them before no doubt but, have grown to love them for Winter Black Bass, which are more or less a wet sock to reel in lol. I treat these hooks more like a delicate net that I am throwing at the fishes face hahaha but I will put my hook up rate and keeping’em on against anyone. I don’t use these hooks other than the Winter. When fish are feistier I use lots of other blades.
  3. Just about, they are on the outside of the bend on the hook. When I say just about it’s because I have hooked myself very deep several times with these and have been able to pull them out pretty easily with a quick and sometimes painful tug lol. They stay pinned to fish though you just can’t play the fish like you’re WWF, you have to finesse them a bit.
  4. I stumbled into a new Winter hole the other day and threw a MB Trick Darter 85 in Mat Shad for the first time ever. All I can say is WOW!!! It don’t get all that deep but, it gets bit. I can hardly wait to get back out there 🙂
  5. Agreed
  6. It’s Table Rock the most blown apart lake around. It’s not that easy to produce on a lake that gets drilled so hard with not a great population of big bass.
  7. Agreed!!!!!!!
  8. I will tell you I have and only thru my own experiences will never go when the Sun’s out. Where I fish here that is a switch that turns off the fishing worse than just about any other factor but, that is this stretch of river that I have been studying pretty dang hard for 30 years now. Not trying to brag but, fishing is not easy where I’m catching these. The ironic thing is even though the fishing is tough almost always where I fish, the potential for trophy fish is high because of the Shad population mostly and that people have a hard time figuring out this dirty channelized ditch called the Lower Meramec. They don’t like the Sun though lol 😂
  9. They are not easy to target lol these things are weird as hell. I have gone back to my spots and can’t buy a bite it’s like the water is dead now lol 😂 they are unusual
  10. Haven’t heard from olde Paul in awhile…. I would be flattered
  11. I know buddy it’s kinda hard to explain to the average fisherman how weird these things can be. Here one minute feeding like tigers then gone the next. It can be frustrating to say the least. When they are on though….. wow is it something. Pete I lost one at the bank that actually seemed to dwarf this 12lber hahahaha and honestly it looked to be a legit Striper to me…… I’m just gonna say this right now….. there are Stripers in the Meramec and Mississippi
  12. Thanks Ham….. right place right time lol you know the deal
  13. Are you familiar with these dam failures up there???
  14. My buddy thinks they are coming down the Missouri then the Mississippi and up the Meramec via the dam breaks in Iowa or Nebraska??? Hahaha it’s really kinda wild and normally they aren’t all 26 inches and bigger on darn near every fish. I was lucky 🍀
  15. Fish 5 I didn’t have a pic of as it flipped off the board and back in the river. 25.5 inches 8.11lbs. Here is a pic of one of the many others lol
  16. Fish 4 27 inch 10.6lbs
  17. Fish 3 a smallish 26.75 incher 9.14lbs
  18. Fish 2 29.5 inches 11.13lbs
  19. Fish 1 27 inches 10.4lbs
  20. Well sometimes the stars align and a blind squirrel finds a nut. This morning was nuts that’s for sure. The 5 biggest of the mountain of mutts I caught went over 47lbs. Time to start fishing for Blacks lol. Sorry my pics are too big to post on this forum it seems so I’ll post 5 trough shots individually so you guys can scrutinize my weights and size claims lol
  21. I shot a deer in my over populated yard and didn’t have the proper license and tag. The buck ran thru my yard and across the street and dropped in my neighbors front yard lol He called the MDC and I was busted very quick and easy. My first bow shot dropped the Buck and I don’t hunt anymore. No fine luckily but, I still can’t even get a license until 2022 not that I will as I won’t hunt anymore lol.
  22. As are most my friends lol I get it. Unfortunately because of an incident in Kirkwood and me being dumb I can’t hunt in MO for another year 😜
  23. Still haven’t fully converted over to Winter Bass yet as I am still mesmerized by the Temperate mutts. Nailed 3 quick ones this evening total weight 14.10 lol all caught on 5.5 inch Swimbait in faster water and the initial hit will almost take your rod away if you aren’t paying attention.
  24. Very nice!!!
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