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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by brittsnbirds

  1. Ok you got me!! Definitely will not be Memorial weekend, have family things going on. If anytime it will be before that. Will send you a PM, better yet txt. Jerry PM me your cell # if you text.
  2. Were you stripping the woolies? Where, assuming above the dam? That hole doesn't have any room to fill. Pretty bad when this left handed wonder can hit the dam!
  3. When you get there Jerry get on top of the dam and wave at me!! Misread the schedule, don't have a 4 week break only 2. From the looks of things I hopefully can pull a few days the last weekend. I think Upstream was going to be there regardless if his PW brother can't. (Threw the bait lets see how long it takes him to bite?)
  4. Wish I could make it but the DW is still recuperating from her surgery. She is very upset that we had to cancel 2 of our trips due to high water and family issues. Been grumbling about having the 5th wheel and not using it. I agree but what are you going to do? My work is a mess right now moving people around and shorting us in the Dick unit. Was "on-call" this past week and have it again this week. after that a 4 week break (I hope). Maybe sometime in there I'll be able to take off. Still hoping I can make "NoLucks" rendezvous in August. Just remembered NL was up our way few weeks ago. Did you take him to the Kaw or Blue river trout parks??
  5. Checked out the Trout Cam (again) and noticed that things are starting to look much more "normal". Now just have to figure out when I can get away!!
  6. If you do the sale thing be sure to take all your correspondence with you. The cancelled check, your title, any notes you kept etc. if I was a LEO (which I am) and was called to a "stand by" and you produced evidence that you owned the property and you paid your rent and you were retrieving your personal items then I would be inclined to help load you up! Just don't go into any details about what your intentions are. Don't tip your hand. Like NoLuck said "cut and run".
  7. Checkout the trout cam.
  8. I heard they evacuated the Campgrounds?
  9. This reminds me of several early season adventures. Been down there one time they closed CG1, water was up almost into the elevated power boxes. Closed the road into the CG's. Had to go up by the pool then up the hill. SJ worm was the ticket then in slack water!
  10. Well I read that one correctly. My better half and I were going to go down Sunday and stay the week. Good thing we didn't!!
  11. Johnsfolly, You da man! Doesn't matter what type of fishing you are doing with your daughter it's time well spent!! My youngest (23) called me the day before fathers day and wanted to take me fishing. Just like the time I took my son pheasant hunting for the first time. Told him to get on Junior's butt ( my old brittany) and kill any thing Junior pointed. He did, it was a hen but it was phenomenal moment!! Time spent with them young is better than any $$ investment you can make!! Keep it up bud!!
  12. LMAO!! I can see it little kid bobbing in the water floating around the old man with a tether! Too funny I'm sure that's not what you meant but it made for a great image and chuckle. Kind of like that strike indicator that gets away, (yelling down stream) "hey buddy, can you grab my son as he comes by?".
  13. "He said he had a good time getting out of the house. All I cared about anyway." That's all that matters. As well as the time spent together. When I first read your post I remembered back when my dad use to take me (as a little fella) fishing. Then the tables turned and I was taking him. Never took him enough as I look back. Here's to you!!! Your a great son.
  14. There you go should have gone in the first place. Hopefully it's not a toad strangler.
  15. And if your like me you will spend a ton of time untangling the mess that you create. Some days I just can't do it. Some days I can!!
  16. Fingers are crossed they get down south. Then I'll have to make an excuse to go!!
  17. Have a truck load up here around KCMO. Pretty small in comparison to the others I've seen. Very pretty red/orange.
  18. What was your buddy throwing "top water" (aka dry fly)?
  19. Well we took the Cards 2 outta of 3 this go round. Hitting was off today, and St. Louis showed their talents for sure. We have to wait and see how it shakes out. Go Royals and Cardinals!!
  20. Or trip and go under like NoLuck!!!
  21. Dain, you didn't mention mini-jigs. Various colors; white, peach, blk/yellow, john deere, celery, and any other color you can imagine. Also change up the head color black, white or gold. Assuming you are using a fly rod.
  22. Go back to sleep Mikey!! If your dissing the Kapok then what about the white or pink mini jigs?? Just trying to get the train back on track????
  23. Yes, just like a bunch of hogs. They call it "shuffling", just ask upstream he is a master. Do a quick 2 step and high stick your nymph just below where your standing!! Didn't have that problem at Montauk!!
  24. I have noticed down here at Montauk not a lot of that going on. At least I haven't seen the guts floating around as much. Nor have I noticed the abundance of trout (like hogs) at my feet. More like a wild trout stream atmosphere. Which I prefer!!
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